I understand this thread has been up MANY of times in the past and yes I did read a few of the posts. The only reason I posted a thread like this again was to get an answer that will fit my make/model truck and also an update from others here who have had these for a while. I have a 66 Ford F100 that I plan to shave the door handles from and wanted to know what your guys' oppinions would be.
1.) What brand would you guys go with?
2.) What pound solenoids? (these doors are not TOO heavy but then again they aren't that light)
3.) I want the electric button one, but also want the emergency pull handle.
4.) Which brand(s) should I stay away from?
The only brands I know of really are Spal, Auto Loc and the Electric Life or whatever brand that LMC carries.
Also while I am at it I'd like to do the power window kit too so any oppinions on this is helpful too.
I have the original fuse block and wiring in this vehicle (all in pretty good shape) but I do not have any more open circuits for accesories, any idea's for this? I was thinking of buying a 21 circuit fuse block and just switching the wires from the old one to that and then have my open ones left.
Thanks a lot for any help and oppinions!