Well guys----I tried. I am not too freaked by this experience. I had the column anyway, and had I been succesfull I would have saved some money. There is no way that I can see spending a whack of money for an aftermarket steering column. I don't see it as being critical to have the key switch on the steering column. I would however like to have a turn signal mounted on the column, but you can buy them as an aftermarket item for about $20 from Speedway. Believe me, I'm not above using a 32" length of tailpipe tubing with a nylon bushing pressed into each end and a 1" dia shaft with a double D flat milled on the bottom and and a hub welded to the topside. It would certainly look clean in the car. I went by the auto wreckers today, but we have about 10" of new snow here, you couldn't see bugger all, and junkyards are deathtraps when you can't see where your putting your feet.