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Thread: question about a 30's rat rod

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  1. #31
    bigpun is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    hey batouttahell these guys are just here and posting to keep people from getting hurt and making the entire group of us look bad. because it only takes one person to mess up to make a stereo type and shut rodding events down for everybody.
    Last edited by bigpun; 10-25-2006 at 10:15 AM.

  2. #32
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BatOuttaHell
    Dave, If you dont have anything positive to contribute to this rat section, then why do you feel the need to post here? It would probably piss me off to if I had all that high $$ crap in my car and the people walk right past it to check out the cool rat. You act like making a car stop is some kind of magical acomplishment that only shiney paint and willwood brakes can achieve. Im shure in your minde, a touch of maturity and common sense only happens when you are well in to your sixties.
    Look up, because what Dave said just zoomed about 10 feet over your head. I think you should read Dave's post again, because nothing you said has any relevance to what he said.

    - Nothing positive to contribute? He said that a car should steer, stop and handle safely. Dang. Pardon him for being logical.

    - Where was there a mention that a car had to be shiny and have high $$ brakes to be safe? Dave has Wilwoods, but he doesn't care if you have transplanted Yugo brakes - as long as the car stops. And why should he care? Because he has to share the road with you, and because all hot rodders have to live with the consequences of the few idiots that foul up.

    - I don't care if someone walks past my car to see a rat - or to look at a Ferrari, and I'll guaran-freaking-tee you that Dave doesn't either. Since you would "probably be pissed" if someone bypassed your car for a rat, that pretty much puts you in the poser category, doesn't it?

    - Your interpretation of Dave's comment on maturity tells me a lot about yours than it does his.

    Gone to Texas

  3. #33
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpun
    hey batouttahell these guys are just here and posting to keep people from getting hurt and making the entire group of us look bad. because it only takes one person to mess up to make a stereo type and shut rodding events down for everybody.

    Hey bigpun, wanna clean up and edit your post for language?


    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 10-25-2006 at 09:33 AM.

  4. #34
    bigpun is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yeah sorry about that.

  5. #35
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks, big guy.


  6. #36
    67elkybryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poncho62
    Also, Mr 2 posts.........You need a few more posts before you start being critical of one of our senior members.
    How many posts do you need? Is this wrote down somewhere, cause I want to know how many I need to have before I can comment.

  7. #37
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    I think the idea is ........ if you walked into a room full of strangers and the first words out of your mouth were negative toward the room full of strangers, how do you suppose the room full of strangers would accept you.

    It doesn't take that much effort to make a point in a respectful way. If someone pops their cork and gets all bent out of shape, I tend to dismiss their comments from that point on. Some people just like to argue for the sake of arguing. They wouldn't admit the sky is blue on a clear day in the country. Why waste my time at that point.
    Just treat people the way you would like them to treat you and you'll be surprised how pleasant they become. It's human nature.
    Before you hit the send button, read your post as though it was being directed back at you.
    If it looks fine I bet you won't get any negative feedback.........unless of course somebody out there has an "Attitude".
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  8. #38
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Nicely put pro, ive been trying to help keep good spirits up here, on the rat side of things, but every time i turn around people get defensive, i would like to keep these rat threads going, but if it keeps up i say shut em down , there more trouble than its worth

  9. #39
    BatOuttaHell is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sorry, I obviously don't belong here. I am going to go and start a Rat Rod forum. After searching the web, I have foud there is not really much out there. I don't see any one in here having any fun except the rat hater's.
    Mr. 3 post

  10. #40
    Matt167's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BatOuttaHell
    Sorry, I obviously don't belong here. I am going to go and start a Rat Rod forum. After searching the web, I have foud there is not really much out there. I don't see any one in here having any fun except the rat hater's.
    Mr. 3 post
    Make the car safe, make it drivable and have fun. that's all EVERYBODY here has been saying. not nocking rat rods.
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  11. #41
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    theres nothing wrong with safe but its usally the comments with smiley faces thats the trouble , were just kidding , but who cares because theres a van full of kidds your gonna kill because your a rat rod guy not a guy with a nice shiney car because there perfectly safe and they couldnt kill any body. being mature can work both ways , ask i wont say it

  12. #42
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BatOuttaHell
    Sorry, I obviously don't belong here. I am going to go and start a Rat Rod forum. After searching the web, I have foud there is not really much out there. I don't see any one in here having any fun except the rat hater's.
    Mr. 3 post

    Bat: I mean this post to be totally positive, and I hope you take it that way.

    Here is the problem. In of itself, there is nothing wrong with a rat rod or a rat rodder. I, and a lot of other guys on here have said how much we can appreciate the creativity and refreshing styles some of them exhibit. HOTRODPAINT did a thread awhile back, where he came right out and said what he liked about rat rods, and he requested that that thread remain positive and not deteriorate into a bashing of them. And for the most part, it didn't, and many very nice comments were made supporting them.

    The cars I grew up with in the '50's actually looked a lot like what rat rodders are trying to recreate today. Maybe in some places like California the hot rods were all chromed and shiny, but not in my neighborhood. We primered them with Sears vacuum cleaners (every vacuum in the '50's came with several attachments, and one of them was a spray gun !!) We cut coils to get them low, we swapped in engines with cobbled up motor mounts, and did the best we knew how, but the cars were still pretty crude, for the most part.

    So we don't have a problem with rat rods per se, but we simply have to have a problem with ANY car that is put on the road in an unsafe condition. We can't change that, and we won't change that. To think any other way is irresponsible and reckless. So, if you choose to come on this forum and support cars that are on the edge styling-wise, but still constructed so that they can be operated on the streets safely, then there is no reason for you to leave. But, if you adopt the attitude of SOME rat rodders (not all, but some) that you don't give a d*** about what anyone else thinks, and you are going to do whatever you want, then yes, you will have a problem getting along with the others on here.

    We love to gain members, and are not an exclusive club. We welcome anyone, male or female, who loves cars and wants to learn and teach others. We are not out to exclude anyone from membership here, but this is like any other group of people, some will fit in and some will not. That is just a fact of life. I, for one, hope you stay and contribute.


  13. #43
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    OK, so you don't like my smilie faces. Not a problem. They are for showing expression as far as I know, and that's what I use them for. I try to stay happy. If you want to take them as any other way, feel free to do so. I tried to square things away with you before. What someone else does, it's not me. (no smilie face).
    i wasnt directing it too you , i have no beef with any body here any more , your post just happened to above what i said. anyway this is the same crap as before . cant people just explain the car has to be safe without the sarcassing some people dont understand why there being attacked and they take it personal IMO

  14. #44
    poncho62's Avatar
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    My favourite RAT....................
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  15. #45
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    OK, I mentioned it, because I remember before that smilie thing got brought up, and it was directed at me. Fair enough. Like I mentioned on the other page, I won't comment on any of the Rat questions, because that is you guzzies space. I simply think that seperating sections of a club, is like like seperate clubs all together. Think of a big open room. Now think of 10 rooms labeled different. Anyway, I will answer if I'm asked, but otherwise, I will not. Sincere
    i agree, its a wast of time for everyone . it seems everthing ends up in a arguement. whats safe and not safe . i think they need to get divorced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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