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Thread: New Rat Rod Talk forum at CHR!

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  1. #1
    Brent Mills's Avatar
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    New Rat Rod Talk forum at CHR!


    Per request by Bill, I've added a new forum for Rat Rodders. Enjoy!

    Lets see some pics!!
    Brent Mills
    Club Hot Rod

  2. #2
    fordsfairlane's Avatar
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    thanks. brent

    has anyone had there rat rod featured in a magazine?

    or you could pretend that this is a magazine and post pictures and a story about you'r rod .

    that would make some great reading.

  3. #3
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    rat rod forum?


  4. #4
    kustombuick's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    I think it shows a open minded spirit that CHR now opens for rat-rods (or old skool rodz as I will put it). It's all abouth rodding or hopping up old cars, and I guess that most of us build what we fancy or can afford - the most important thing is to create and use your skills (even learn some new ones) and to have a good time with people with the same or nearly the same interest.

    A real happy new year to all of you!

  5. #5
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    No matter whether you drive a $10.00 beater, or a $5,000,000 show car, it's all good......Why know one persons idea of the perfect car just because it's not yours.........In the end, when you boil it all down, we are just a bunch of car guys(gals) that wants to enjoy our own personal nirvana, this is why I asked Brent to add the new forum, as the Rat Rods are a growing force that should be embraced, not ridiculed for being different than the main stream........Enjoy, it's all good.

    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

  6. #6
    fordsfairlane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mrmustang
    No matter whether you drive a $10.00 beater, or a $5,000,000 show car, it's all good......Why know one persons idea of the perfect car just because it's not yours.........In the end, when you boil it all down, we are just a bunch of car guys(gals) that wants to enjoy our own personal nirvana, this is why I asked Brent to add the new forum, as the Rat Rods are a growing force that should be embraced, not ridiculed for being different than the main stream........Enjoy, it's all good.

    Bill S.
    that is a very good point.

    I collect many different magazines and in most hotrod related magazine they always have something going about whats the difference in a ratrod.

    I look at it this way. if the EPA/GOV gets it's way we wont have to worry about whats a ratrod anymore. because our passion for cars will be a myth.

    for those who get offended when someone calls there car by an offending name, why dont they put some of that energy griping about it to good use. and help support our cause in keeping our treasures on the road for the next 40+ years.

  7. #7
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Cool idea ,thanks ,ill get some pics up when i get home

  8. #8
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thumbs up


    Thanks to Brent and Bill for the new Forum. Kind of like providing shelter for the homeless, huh???????
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  9. #9
    DONNIE G's Avatar
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    kudo's for have'n the foresite to give the "rat pack" a
    place to call there own all kidding aside,anything that will add more people to our hobby/life style ,i feel is a good thing.
    i still will poke fun at the rat rodders,and i'm sure they'll do the
    to me! it's a two way street!
    bob's only got about twelve valves left!

  10. #10
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Good job on the new home for rodders,this will help with someone askin people like techinspector, if a coat hanger mount is better tight or loose!! Welcome all ratrodders!!!!!
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  11. #11
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    rat rod pics


    heres a couple of pics of progress so far still need lots of body work
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  12. #12
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Heres another
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  13. #13
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    And another
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  14. #14
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    test fitting the tail lights,no tuna cans here
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  15. #15
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Yet another welcome sign of continued growth of the site.

    As a self professed Keeper Of Odd Knowledge it might be interesting to point out a few things . A site like this doesn't just happen. It's human nature to think of something like this as always being like this. (was I the only 3 year old who thought his parents were always adults?) Like most things of value it starts as an idea and grows from there. Brent of course deserves all the credit for starting the site. In his Christmas letter he noted we have in excess of 16000 members now. But he didn't carry the water alone. Just for fun I took a look at the members roster. If you sort by "date joined" you'll note that on pages 533-544 there're some 300 names representing the total of membership for the first year. Though not the largest in numbers of posts, many of those folks paved the way for the future growth of CHR. In those days before search engine optimization, and the referral potential we enjoy today, it was the pioneering members who greeted each new member with whatever info they could share. I noticed that someone said it's nice to see that CHR "now" opens for rat rods. In my experience it has always been open.......................for all types of enthusiasts. Okay, make that enthusiasts who don't mind playing well with others. In those early days of maybe gaining only one member per day (average) we rarely had one of the "my purpose in life is to piss people off" types. Nowadays we get a few more, but happily they're still an extremely small number. Again, that's life. They nearly always filter themselves out, with rare intervention from moderators. Hopefully it will remain so.

    A couple examples of what I mean are from page 533. Each of these guys has less than 1000 posts, but both still contribute today. They choose not to do what some might consider frivolous posts, just good hot rod knowledge sharing. Weeg still makes meaningful suggestions from time to time, sharing his many years of experience. For probably the first three years of this site's existance, our go to (and only) guy with the day in and day out hands on experience in automotive painting is Spraytech. Of course I'm leaving out a number of others for the sake of brevity. And this isn't meant to slight the contributions of others who have come along since who also contribute daily to the ebb and flow of club interaction.

    When Brent started this there was no guarantee it would take off. Afterall, there are a lot of other rod oriented sites out there. But over time we've weathered good times, sadly a couple bad, and progressed as "old blood" and new have meshed and grown together. There's no reason it can't continue as long as no one poisons the well.
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 12-30-2005 at 10:25 AM.
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