A Brush. yep thats right a brush. You can stop laughing now.
I am having a few dificulties finding info on this topic but have allready been given a few warnings on what to use and what not to use.
I will start by saying "painting isn't my bag", sure I have painted cars before but never to the quality of a pro. The current project of mine involves the final coat to be applied with a brush and a matt coat at that. (all for effect) The idea of course is not new and this is where I hope someone on this site can come in with a few info jems to answer some questions from me like,
Should I heat the paint?
Acrylic or enamel?
What size brush?
Using a matt finish will I need some "special" primer to stop moisture?
How many coats?

I am really keen to hear from other rodders who have or are doing this kind of job.
Thanks heaps