With all of the talk about the "change in paint color and style" that we have seen over the years, I hear almost nothing talked about with the current changes we are going through in California away from solvent based paint to water born paint for automotive use.

I'm finsihing my block sanding in prep for the top coat on my Highboy and have some reservations about quality, durability, ease of touch up, of the new (to me anyway) paint. I understand it's been used in europe for many years but when I think of waterborn paint, all I remember the paint "falling off" the roof of my then new 1981 Cutlass company car, LOL.

Just this week I learned that the single company that supplies touch up paint for all of the motorcycle companies in this country is no longer able to ship their touch up paints into most parts (read all metro counties) of California because it contains Xylene. The company is Color Rite and has been the "go to" company in our industry for years.

The times are certainly changing.