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Thread: Repairing scratch in paint...some punk kid keyed my car

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  1. #1
    63BoxNova's Avatar
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    Repairing scratch in paint...some punk kid keyed my car


    Thank goodness is wasnt my Nova that got keyed! Rather it was my wifes brand new SUV...not even 2 months old , and it has been christened with a key scratch across two doors and a fender while parked outside the highschool were she works (no doubt in my mind that some punk kid did it). The majority looks like it can be buffed out, i hope, but theres a section about 6 inches long that definately grooved the paint. Other than having the whole panel repainted, is there any tips on touching up the scratch? Im not looking for a 100% perfect fix, just as long as you cant see it from 5 feet away (it is a lease afterall, If I owned it we'd be at the body shop already!). One buddy suggested thinning the touch up paint and carefully using an artists brush to fill the scratch.
    Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    63BoxNova's Avatar
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    By the way...GO GIANTS!

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    BTW, with a lease you'll pay for a scabby touch up at turn in, so there's no free lunch. Run your finger or thumb nail across the scratch, if you feel a "catch" it's too deep to buff out. It's probably a clear coat finish so you might be somewhat lucky if it's only the clear that's scratched. If you try to touch up with color in a bottle (duplicolor or it's competitors), you won't get the same "lay" of the color, even worse with metallic or pearl, and the "repair" will really stand out. If you want something that doesn't look like crap (although that's admittedly in the eye of the beholder), you may get by doing what the used car guys do. There are mobile services that go around to the lots, often times they are guys who've burned out on the normal (if a painter can be considered normal )refinish trade. They make an art of spot repairs, having learned how to feather back, fade, blend, tint, and buff so that the repair is generally "invisible" to the average eye. More costly than hacking it in your driveway, but a whole lot less than a full refinish of three panels.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  4. #4
    speedy55779's Avatar
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    you know reading your story reminds me of when i was in highschool i had a 87 montecarlo LS (rare) black with gray interior and american racing rims with firestone firehawk white letter tires loud duel exhaust it got keyed and tires slashed and they stole my valve stem caps but the thing is me and my dad repainted the car 2 3 times and it got keyed every time and it was a really nice car i started parking it in plane view were anyone could see it but it really sucked cause of the time money and labor and my pride an joy. I still have the car today and plan to take it to my highschool reunion

    but in your case look into a detail shop or auto body shop they might have a fair price to fix that scratch.
    Derek Doble

  5. #5
    youther's Avatar
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    Some really good tips here.........

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  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    If it was near a high school there probably is video of it happening--find out who did it!!!!and then-------

  7. #7
    maxxmuscle's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=speedy55779] I still have the car today and plan to take it to my highschool reunion. QUOTE]

    Wouldn't it be funny...Not FUNNY, but strange, odd...if you take it to your reunion and someone fess' up?? Or does it "one last time"!!!! Sorry, thats just the way my strange (painter) mind thinks!
    If its not worth doing right, its not worth doing... Donny, MaxxMuscle Custom Painting

  8. #8
    t0oL's Avatar
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    time for turnig in the leased car?- run through some mud puddles...

  9. #9
    63BoxNova's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice guys. Before I start trying to touch it up myself (and likely make a mess) Ill try to have it buffed out at the dealer, im sure they see this stuff all the time. Furthermore I checked it again and it barely catched my fingernail, so it appears it didnt get through the clearcoat.

    Its just so unnecessary...I mean really, what goes through ones mind when they damage someones property for no apparent reason? Im sure they'll have their judgement day...

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