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Thread: Peeling Clear Coat - Bad Job

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  1. #1
    F250tdf's Avatar
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    Peeling Clear Coat - Bad Job


    What are my options. The Previous Owner sprayed some clear coat on a few dull panels and it is peeling. Probably wasn't prepared properly before spraying. How can I remove only the clear coat?

    Thanks Tom

  2. #2
    novaduece is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Tom...the only way I have been able to do that is to sand with 320/400 wet /dry paper. However , you have to be careful not to sand into the base. If the clear is peeling to the base then you will have to rebase. I always use a good wax/grease remover after sanding and just before painting. You can also wash the paint with soap and water, but I prefer the wax/grease remover...good luck...Jim

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    If it's uniformly poor adhesion you can carefully peel it off with a razor blade. Tedious, but if you get in the zone it's done before you know it.
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  4. #4
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Yes to the dewaxer and degreaser first, however, the 320 and the 400 will be a bit to agressive to just sand off the flaking clear coat. Instead I suggest some 600 grit, wet dry is best, but if not, then dry will have to do. Use a block sander instead of a DA, as you'll have a better chance to monitor your work and not burn through the base.

    Of course with that said, do you know if your truck is painted base/clear, or perhaps a single stage enamel with clear shot over it, as this too will affect how you can handle, or man handle the flaking clear coat.

    Will await your detailed response and perhaps a detailed digital picture or two and we'll take it from there.

    Bill S.
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  5. #5
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Years ago I had a '63 Impala SS with a cheap repaint, that had adhesion problems, and peeling.

    First, go to a high pressure car wash. You should be able to get under the edge where it is peeling, and remove a large amount......unless the problem is only in a small area(s).

    If the rest of the paint was well done, you shouldn't cause any extra damage.

  6. #6
    m falconstien is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Try a power washer, most times if the clear is not hooked it comes right off.

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