Hey guys, I have a question about the best way to ventilate a home brewed paint booth. I noticed somewhere that I can purchase "spark proof fans"?

I read an article in an old issue of "Car Craft" where one of the editors created a "bomb" by using regular box type fans duct taped to the windows, and even admitted that this wasn't safe, then proceeded to do a whole bc/cc paint job using high wattage halogen lighting!
That just seemed like a disaster waiting to happen to me, and I'm not even a pro, just adding 2 + 2.

If I paint in my garage, I'll definitely use flourescent lighting, but I haven't figured out the safest way to exit the fumes.
Some common furnace filters attached to a plastic sheet across the garage door opening at the bottom of the sheet seems like a good idea to filter the incoming air, as illustrated in the "Car Craft" article, but there's no way I'm risking using some $10 WallyWorld box fan with all those volatile fumes running through them.

Can anyone point me in a safer direction like where can I purchase these "spark proof fans", or some kind of blower where the motor won't be exposed to the fumes?
