My wife calls it dorking out whenever I get on the DIY CNC forum and check posts, now she can complain about another one! My name is Jens, I currently have a 74 Pontiac Catalina in the driveway, which was going to donate its motor (400) to my "garbage rod" project, but seeing as how I might be able to make a profit on it, and pay our property taxes, I might just sell it. Got a line on a 71 Buick Riv with a pumped 455 for 3 bills! Needs a fusable link, and alternator...think I might use that motor instead! Garbage rod started out with a 76 toyota pickup chassis, some early cowl that I got for free, and the bedsides from the same toyota. An old gas tank I got off ebay for my last rod will be used, got some plymout or something grill shell, chevy radiator, trailor tail light, chevy head lights, used rear meats, school bus about $20 in it right now, and need a few hundred more for the rest of the stuff.
I know..."you can't build a hot rod for anything less than a new car", rubbish! I have not yet spent more than $1600 on any of the 3 I have already had, and they all turn me on! You may find that I can be a little opinionated sometimes, but I really don't mean anything by it so let me apologize in advance!
Oh yeah...first car, 52 Dodge Coronet channelled over 71 Impala chassis and floor, 18 yrs old; second car 62 Ply Valient conv, lowered with flames all over (up the hood, the sides and deck lid...drove away from my wedding in it); third car, 29 Ford roadster, scratch build, started with the cowl and built or addapted everything else to work.
If someone will give me easy to follow instructions, I will post photos in the gallery.
Me...24yrs old, husband and father of 3, welder and fabricater by trade, can never leave anything stock (even had to modify my son's training wheels!)!
Take it easy.