Hello All. Just found the site and have found to killer links to other sites that will come in Big Time handy! Thanks!

I just purchased a 1931 Chevy 2 Door Sedan. There is very little rust or any damage...two slight seperations in the rear corners and just a tad of rust along the small 1/4" lip on the front cowl. the frame has been boxed and it has a new front dropped axle with front disk brakes. The rear end is mocked up with a '67 Nova 10 Bolt.

Sounds like a lot...but nothing is really together...still need to purchase a wiring harness, radiator, guages, glass all around...I think I will stop there and go do A TON of reading in the forums.

If you belong to or now of any Clubs in the SoCal Area...Los Angeles is but 20 mins from me...Please shoot me the info...I am along way from firing her up and making a daily driver...but the work has begun!

Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help!