Been dink'in with cars for over 50 years now (how time flys). Bought my first car at 12 ($10 for a '36 Chevy coupe from the Bell System). Took me about 6 months to get it running and as soon as I got it out of the garage some guy offered my $200 for it. I was hooked for life Let me see, that may be the only car I ever owned that I actually MADE money on. These days its not about the money anyhow, its about the experience. I'm not much into the 'lawn chair' scene but I do like to get out and go somewhere and enjoy the drive.

Current cars:

'33 Chevy 3 Window Coupe (ZZ4 - 2X4 -Crane cam -700R4)
'06 Corvette Z51 6spd
(And some SUV kind of thing for those icy days)