Hello to all,
I came across this site searching for IFS forums. First and formost let me say, they are some nice people here! I'm 33yrs old and I'm more into muscle cars than hot rods, but they are all hot rods in one way or another, right? ....But I finely found my first "major" project I want to do. Always thought I'd build a 427 Cobra, even had blue prints copied from my dad's friend when he built his years back. Well, the intrest pulled me but never enough to go any farther. So now, I found it. Most of you may say blah, but maybe not, anyhow it's a Reverse Trike. Two wheels in front powerd by a single rear wheel. Most are with a sport bike motor/rear. Well, I spent many years in the auto body industry and then doing many fabs for my service business and grew up with the family always into hot rods, muscle, etc.,
.... I joined here to learn more about IFS. (didn't do much frame work in body shops) I hope to help others as much as I have already been helped from others here and their post. One thing that I would like to mention is a forum that has great guys there re:fabricating. Not trying to spam the forum here by any means, just thought that many may find it helpful even if it learns tord off roading, but the site is http://www.offroadfabnet.com/
Any how, nice to met you all!