I started out in high school by restoring a 57 Chev 3/4 ton and never got to finish it due to going off to college etc. I grew up around fixing/working on cars, my old man did plenty of that...it's where I first learned those good ole garage words Anywho, after an 18 year layoff, I finally was able to purchase a 53 Chev 210. All the body work is done and has a new coat of paint, not a very good one, but new none the less..couldn't pass up the price and am now in the process of restoring it. It still has a 235 in it, one from a 56...I may keep that in there for a while and beef it up a bit, but I also may put in my 327 that has been laying around for a while I'm hoping some of you guys may be able to give me tips on finding/fixing a few of the ole parts.