Just wanted to say hi, as I'm new to this site. I'm also new to older cars, but I've always liked them. I have been in the military for 13 years now, 8 years Navy and 5 years Army National Guard.
I am a Operation Enduring Freedom vet and returned home last May from Afghanistan. My current project is a 1966 Chevy II Nova, that I bought from a guy down the street after deployment.
It's coming along fairly well, and I'm still learning the ins and outs of this car as it's older than I am. Hint: I'm in my mid 30's.
There are still a few parts that I need to complete my car, so I will be looking for those in the near future. Other than my car, I've been preparing for yet another tour in the military...this time around Navy Reserves. Trying to finish up at least 7 more years so I'll be eligible for retirement.