Got my new issue today. I can summarize every feature car in a few words:

Bodywork: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Paint: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Chassis: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Upholstery: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Wiring: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Engine: By the guy I wrote the check to.
Everything else: By the guy I wrote the check to.

Now, I'm not knocking anyone who wants to buy a car and have everyone do the work for them. We all buy various parts, and it's a matter of degree. That's up to the owner. It's the magazine I have a problem with. Does EVERY FREAKIN' CAR IN THE MAGAZINE EVERY FREAKIN' MONTH HAVE TO BE ONE OF THOSE "I WROTE THE CHECK, LOOK AT ME" CARS?