As I start this I want to relate background to it----------CRM--Cockpit Resourse Management---------
Many aviation accidents have been painstakinly analized as to why they happened when it had been determined that the aircraft was flyable altho possibl impaired in the operation of some of its systems.

In the final view it has been determined that the info and capability to operate the aircraft was present in the cockpit and or operations but not by all not in total by all crew members---------someone knew this, someone knew that, operations people knew something else but the info wasn't 100% shared by all-------

CRM-----came about as required training by all people involved---- and then inplimenting the results

Every approach and landing were CRITIQUED by the crew after arrival and discussed about what was good, better, and what could of been done to make it best--------this was not CRITISISM--------

We seem to have gotten to a point where certain people are picking at other folks here, instead of listening and evaluating about what they are saying to make something better or more safe not only for the hotrodder/builder , but for other folks on the road-----

Of course there are instances of hundreds of posts where we lamblast the OP-----or so it seems to the OP, but well maybe we are pointing out overlooked methods or reasons to do or not do something the way OP is posting---------Seems that Dave in the 37 OZE thought he was doing a BUILD LOG-where he was detailing a diary/log of his build---and we all jumped on and critized him about various things/methods he was using. And now he is probably gone---------

But we did it to DennyW, Dave Severson, Gary?, etc,etc-they had/have lots of experience and data that they posted here first hand that was accurate, basic info, correct tech specs, oem info, etc,etc

Seems like all we do is ask for PICS, PICS, and more PICS------Jerry wants to be able to post more pics easier, Roger wants everybody to use photoshop, Brent don't seem to care about the site, Bill seems to just stand in the shadows and occasionally will issue time out or ban??????

Lets work on fixing this place and making it the premier site for rodders to go to for the info they want and need----not just a place where we recommend JEGS and SUMMIT online catalogues as the LIBRARY for hot rods and customs-----

There is a lot more to hotrodding than roller packages with crate engines and it goes from cutting the tree down that has grown thru the windshield to rust removal to title and licensing----

I'm probably got this too long to post but if it works I'll be back
Preview worked-----
So lets keep it under control --------say what you want-expect comments back in return----and lets take this site back to the top and bring back those that have left
Lets pull together----------