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Thread: Front Tires beginning to rub

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    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Front Tires beginning to rub


    A little over a year ago I put some new Cragers and Tires on my '62 Fairlane. When the shop did it we made a special point to make sure that, if we used the biggest tire, it wouldn't rub. So they fixed me up with a good set and I was out the door and on the road again. I had absolutely no problems until the first of this year when I backed out of the driveway, cut it real sharp and the front tires rubbed. I had done this many times since putting the new rubber on and they didn't rub.

    I guess my question is could this be something as simple as a worn out shock or could I be dealing with spring and suspension failure also???

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  2. #2
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    could this be something as simple as a worn out shock or could I be dealing with spring and suspension failure also???
    If the shocks are shocks-only and not coil-overs, then they are simply linear de-accelerators, they do not suspend the car. That's the job of the springs. You could remove all the shocks from the car and drive it down the road. It would still sit at the same ride height with or without the shocks.

    Have you changed the tire pressure? If not, I would suspect that the springs are settling a little and bringing the tire into contact with some fixed part of the car.

    What would I do? I'd measure the wire diameter of the springs and call up these guys....
    to see if they had a spring that was a little heavier to bring the front up a tad. With a good spring compressor, it's not a big deal to change springs. I've always had to grind some of the sharp edges off the compressor arms to make them easier to install and remove.

    This is the type of compressor I've always used.....
    Eastwood 49031 Mustang Coil Spring Compressor Internal

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    thanks, Mr. Richard, that's exactly what this novice brain needed to know. There's no way I would attempt this but I kinda wanted to be ?in the know? before I took it to a shop. Once again thank you.

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  4. #4
    daveS53 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to ask, rubbed where? Maybe the outer edge of the front fender opening? That's where mine will rub if I have the wheel turned pretty tight and go in or out of a sloped drive, too fast. In my case, I think the front tires are as small as I would want, so the answer is a taller ride height that would not look good, or just take it slower in this type of situation.

  5. #5
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Dave, I don't really know where they are rubbing. I may be able to get my old body down there long enuff to feel around which I probably need to do so. If I can 'git'er done', I'll post here in the morning again.

    thanks, Em
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    36 sedan's Avatar
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    As tech said, check your tire pressure first, most likely after setting the winter you lost a few pounds. A few pounds of pressure can make a huge difference in the shape of the tire.

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    Em, it could also be that the "Bario Brothers" lowered the front of the 'lane by putting the torch to the front coils, and over time they're settling a bit more because they've lost temper. A new set of non-torched springs might be all that you need, vs shopping for heavier coils. Just a thought, looking at your avatar picture....
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    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Well, first of all it is more "humid" out there than a scuba dive in Hot Springs Ark.
    The tires were ALL low with only around 25 PSI per tire so I had a "Woo Hoo moment" and for a second I thought I'd 'gotta flocky' (no that's not a dirty word just one that us kids used, back before dirt, to mean Got Off Lucky). I put 36 PSI in each, crossed my fingers "ouch", said a prayer and backed out. &%#&%@ she's still rubbing and it's at the front passenger side top outside fender well lip. Yes, I did have a passing thought about getting a 2x4 and a fulcrum but didn't so it's probably off to the shop I go at sometime if I can find the time.

    I did also notice that the Cragars were showing some surface brown stuff and we don't put salt on the highway down here. So that's my afternoon project but I want to wait until it "warms" up some more.

    Roger, you could have hit that proverbial nail square on the head with the BBros idea.

    thanks for ALL the input, Y'all,

    Em (it's time to get out of this hobby)
    Last edited by MelloYello; 07-27-2015 at 06:04 AM.
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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    Roger, you could have hit that proverbial nail square on the head with the BBros idea.

    thanks for ALL the input, Y'all,

    Em (it's time to get out of this hobby)
    Em, I have this memory of one of the guys pulling his car into the shop at school (circa '63 or '64) and heating the bottom coil on his springs, searching for that "just right rake" point, and then seeing that six months later it was sitting an inch or two lower....
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    JOATMON's Avatar
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    M, I'd have to agree with others here on the springs. Likely a new set of front springs will cure the problem. It has quite a rake on it now, a set of stock replacement springs will bring it up and it'll still have a decent rake because the ass is slightly elevated over stock.
    If you can't deal with having the front springs replaced, you may consider some of the rubber spacers to get it up an inch or so, about $10.
    You should be able to get a pair of springs for under $200 and probably about $150 labor to change them out.
    Another option would be the old baseball bat roller treatment to the fender lip. Free if you've got an old wooden bat.
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    thanks, N, let me look around for some replacement $$$$prings and maybe a wooden mallet also

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  12. #12
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    ......and maybe a wooden mallet also.
    Emmett, be careful using a mallet - easy to crimp the outer of the fender with a misplaced "tap". The key is rolling the bat along the lip, gently forming the edge vs beating on it. Not trying to preach to the choir here, but old wooden bat to wooden mallet is a scary thought....
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    MelloYello's Avatar
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    thanks, Roger, I also can't believe how those Cragar rims have started to rust and peel - - - hadn't been but 13 months.

    I have no business with an old car, being a full time care giver, so I need to get this fixed and bail out and take up knitting or crochet. something that doesn't rust or go flat or start dripping.
    Last edited by MelloYello; 07-27-2015 at 01:24 PM.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    thanks, Roger, I also can't believe how those Cragar rims have started to rust and peel - - - hadn't been but 13 months.

    I have no business with an old car, being a full time care giver, so I need to get this fixed and bail out and take up knitting or crochet. something that doesn't rust or go flat or start dripping.
    Where did you buy your Cragars? I have tiny rust lines at the base of a few lug nuts, but the wheels themselves are solid. I'd think about contacting the seller to see if they won't stand behind them. You should not be seeing any peeling on a year old wheel.
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