Just curious as to your preferences in your early model hot rod as far as comfort goes. I personally like mine to be somewhat uncivilized such as loud (the drone in the cockpit is very impressive), no air (the windshield swivels open but I don't drive it that way cause in the past, I had a car that burst a radiator hose at high rpm and it went off like a bomb), no heat (I live in texas so that isn't a big problem), firm ride (with the huge rear tires, it's a different type of ride), etc. Since I don't drive long distances, I can put up with these things and it gives me kind of a thrill just driving it. It doesn't let me forget I'm driving a "hot rod". With all the new technology, a person can build one that is just as comfortable as a new car but that's not my cup of tea so to speak.
What are your preferences?

Have a great day,