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Thread: Opinions on which NSRA event

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  1. #1
    Deuce4dad is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Opinions on which NSRA event


    My daughter attended a NSRA National in Louisville Ky with my wife and I several years back. Her husband wants to make an event back that way, but I don't know what event to recommend with the recent changes. Can someone that has traveled to these recently recommend an event or events? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Deuce4dad is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    No comments? I'm surprised and a little confused by this. I thought the Louisville National we attended was a great show, but that was about ten years ago. I don't have any idea what the car count was for the last few years at Louisville. We have never attended the Tennessee ( where my son in law is from) NSRA show or any of the Goodguys shows back that way. My daughter and son in law seem to enjoy both the street rods and classic muscle cars so I don't think that will be an issue. Any suggestions on show sites that might be your favorites anyone?

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    The only NSRA events I've attended to date are OK City (not this year) and Springfield, MO (not going to make this year), but comparing the various Good Guy's venues with those two the only difference I see is the number of cars and the amount of shade. One of my favorite venues is Good Guys in Des Moines, Iowa around July 4th. Their fairgrounds is very old, set in the natural hills with lots of trees around very similar to Pleasanton, CA which is a fantastic venue, too. Springfield, MO is similar, but Des Moines is better. Westworld in AZ sucks to me - flat with miles of asphalt, and hot as Hades. Can't speak to any of the venues farther east.
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  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I have only been to the one in Springfield ( I live here ) and I agree with Roger as it's a pretty nice area and the car count is usually pretty good.
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  5. #5
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    If yer lookin 4 car count, Louisville 4 sure.
    Always close to or more than 10,000
    Shades of the Past in Tennessee is always good also.
    Lot's of great runs out there that aren't either NSRA or Goodguys
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  6. #6
    Deuce4dad is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the replies. I'll pass this along to son in law and let them decide. I wasn't sure that Louisville still had a good car count with the Nationals being held there so many years straight. I have traveled through Des Moines several times in the past and have thought of attending the NSRA show there one of these years, but that would be one heck of a drive for us. These kids don't have any trouble driving long distances. Thanks again

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