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Thread: Naming your hot rod...

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  1. #1
    Big Meanie is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Naming your hot rod...


    I was talking with my dad the other day about all the cars he has owned and the various trends he remembered growing up. We came across a picture of his 60 Pontiac Ventura Sport Coupe(sweet ride) and I noticed he had a name painted on it. He had "The Panther" painted in old english letters on the rear fender and then had misc pinstriping around the door handles etc... He said that another guy had a 50 Merc with "The Maverick" painted on it accompanied with a hand of four aces. I am personally into what I call "retro rods" and plan on giving my car the same treatment naming it "The Shark". Anyways, I was just curious if anyone remembers this period in hot rodding and had any names or stories to share?

    Thanks, Big Meanie

  2. #2
    chevy 37's Avatar
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    My early 41 ford pickup I named smokey bacause it was so light and with the built 53 merc flathead I had in it, it would smoke the tires in all gears.
    Keep smiling, it only hurts when you think it does!

  3. #3
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    My brother had a 50 Hudson he called "Humming Bird". I called my 66 GTO "wild Thing" .........
    Now I have a Camaro............I think I'll call it............... "Z-28".
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  4. #4
    cool55belair's Avatar
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    car names


    I don't know how it came to be , maybee it just fits but my wife and I call the 55 ..........Laverne , I guess that's how you spell it.
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  5. #5
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    Cool Naming your hot rod...


    Naming your hot rod...

    My first car was named "Carrie's Curse"
    That was my girlfriend, who considered it major competition.
    She's mellowed through the years (30th anniversary upcoming)..
    My latest hot rod...she calls it simply...
    "That yellow POS"
    That's my gal

  6. #6
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    Got any old pic's of your Stude floating around?
    Sounds cool

    Originally posted by techinspector1
    My first car, in 1957, was a '47 Dodge 4-dr. I took it to the welding shop up the street and had the guy heat the front coils to give it a rake. It was a fluid-drive car and I could get going about 25-30 mph in second gear and then stomp/let off, stomp/let off, stomp/let off the gas and it would hop down the street, bouncing the front tires almost off the pavement, so I painted "BOUNCIN' BEULAH" on the side of the front fenders in caps about 2 inches high. What a hoot!!!!! My second car, a '59 Studebaker Lark V8/stick was named "SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN".

  7. #7
    eboy's Avatar
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    I think I'll call my new Firebird the "Wounded Duck" for now. Maybe when it's done we'll have to rename it.
    Wasted days and wasted nights............

  8. #8
    deepnhock's Avatar
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    A good name for it would be

    "F'd Body"


    Originally posted by eboy
    I think I'll call my new Firebird the "Wounded Duck" for now. Maybe when it's done we'll have to rename it.

  9. #9
    BlownGoat's Avatar
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    My gto is named Vanessa dunno why it was just something that came to mind the day i brought her home and i thought it suited her
    Somewhere out on Woordward ave. cruzin!

  10. #10
    FASTCHEVY's Avatar
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    Had a old 83 Ford van that me and a friend cut the top off of.
    It smoked real bad so we called it the mosquito fogger.

  11. #11
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    I've never named any of mine, must not have wanted that sentimental attachment thing. Some of my friends have named many of my cars, but they must not be very imaginative. They kept coming up with the same name........................The Turd!!
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 04-05-2004 at 07:47 PM.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  12. #12
    Walt Zander's Avatar
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    -- Bob .....What a stinker!

  13. #13
    drg84's Avatar
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    My Parents once called my cat the "Gutlass" I looked at it,s miled and its ben that ever since. For 6 years, ive been trying to find a chrome wording that says that!
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  14. #14
    drg84's Avatar
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    COOL!! Streets, where did you find that? I want it!
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  15. #15
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Nope, sorry Jeff. It was black with a red leather interior, 2 dr. hardtop Regal, 259, 3-spd, Hurst shifter, duals, traction masters and Atlas Bucron cheater slicks. It would eat most 265 and 283 Chevys and really p****d those guys off. hahahahahaha

    It was originally a column shift car until "Tech" tore the shifter off one night trying to bang second gear. Drove it home with a screwdriver for a gear shift lever. Right Tech?

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