Friday afternoon we went north,to the centre of the North Island,,Turangi,a small town,which started out as a power project town..(Google it I know meller probably will).. A new branch of the local NSRA started up there last year..This year was the second annual swap meet,and display,,and as a couple of the guys arwe into kustoms,,they were putting the emphasis on kustoms this year..The route we took,is known as the Forgotten World Highway,,and goes through some rugged,but beautiful terrain..including 16km of gravel road..very narrow,and tight bends,too..I swear you can hear banjoes playin in places,,its that remote....Anyway,,heres a link to some pix Lynda took,on the road up,and at the venue..Unfortunately,,a few of the cars started leaving after only a couple of hours,,which is quite infuriating for the organisers,who want/need this to grow..All that really matters,is that those of us who were there,had a good day..Couldnt stay the night,as we had three Baptisms happening today,( Sunday down here)..

Lead Central Turangi pictures by MissEllie55 - Photobucket

See if that works..Yes,the Lincoln Zephyr was built to be driven...even on gravel...