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Thread: Custom Glass Cutting

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  1. #1
    JhnBrackett is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Custom Glass Cutting


    I've got a place locally that will get glass cut to the dimensions I supply. But they need a pattern to follow.

    Where can I get weatherstripping? Is cardboard the best material to use for the pattern? Thanks for any help.

    Anyone got a good link to installing glass in the front and rear. The front should be easy cause it's a roll out one. But the rear has to actually be stuck in. So I'm not sure how much smaller the glass should be than the opening.

  2. #2
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    need more info, cause on some cars the glass is pulled form the inside out & visa versa. && what most people do it soap up a piece of string & rubber then rap the string around the rubber & put it up to the window opening while having someone hold it. then you slowly pull the string out while it brings the rubber gasket out.
    now the front one, if it does crank out, you'll have to split the frame & put the new rubber in & reassemble it.
    BUT also some windows are held in w/just the window trim......joe
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  3. #3
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Re: Custom Glass Cutting


    Originally posted by JhnBrackett
    I've got a place locally that will get glass cut to the dimensions I supply. But they need a pattern to follow.

    Where can I get weatherstripping? Is cardboard the best material to use for the pattern? Thanks for any help.

    Anything easy to cut and holds it's shape well i.e. cardboard, PVC plastic, etc.
    I haven't had any experience with weatherstripping on EBAY but ya see it on there all the time. If you do a google search "AUTO WEATHERSTRIPPING" you'll find a bunch.
    Last edited by pro70z28; 03-17-2004 at 05:12 PM.

  4. #4
    stevet47's Avatar
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    i've seen people make a fiberglass form of the existing (full-size) windsheild, then trim it to fit in the new opening (the top was chopped), then they used that as the template, they had a glass cutting company use a large belt sander to sand the origonal windsheild down to the size of the fiberglas form

  5. #5
    JhnBrackett is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It's a 41 Chevy Pickup if that helps. I never got to see it with glass in it so don't have a clue which way it gets pulled through. The front I think it just held in w/ 2 bolts attached to the hinges on each piece. I think I'll have to weatherstrip the frame, and also put some trim around the windows themselves. It sure would eb nice to have one of these aroudn to look at

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