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Thread: ARC 2500 car record player

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  1. #1
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ARC 2500 car record player


    I bought this for my dad for Christmas. I thought some of you might enjoy seeing it. I personally don't know what a record is , but my dad had a record player in his '64 GTO before it was stolen in the 60's (the whole car ). He used to tell stories about being the one with the music back then. Now recently he mentioned finding one so I took it upon myself to get it for him.

    My search led me to a great guy named Bob in Rochester, NY with Eager Brothers Music. He had one that he was finishing up the restoration on, so I took it off his hands. He went through all the internals and even put in a 3.5mm plug for me instead of the AM transmitter. He did a great job and was a terrific guy to deal with. I will include his email in case any of you would like to contact him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me posting his phone number, but I feel funny doing that. I can PM that if any of you want it. eager21@hotmail.com

    I suppose it will go somewhere in the '35 for now once we get the rest of the stereo in.

    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  2. #2
    angrystroker's Avatar
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    Do you think it will skip? Maybe mount it with some skyhooks.
    Is that your face or did your pants fall down?

  3. #3
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I don't think it is supposed to skip as bad as one would think since it plays upside down with the needle on the bottom. A stack of 12 records would, I think, weigh it down pretty good. In either case I think I will come up with some way to cusion it a bit as a precaution. Worst case senerio we have a radio, CD, I pod, etc. for when we're in motion...a few more options than back in '64!
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  4. #4
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    That was the 'big thing' and just before the 8 tracks arrived on the scene. MoPar's listed them as an option somewhere about 1956-1960. They are usually 16 2/3s rpm with sound quality just above a crystal set - but they were fun: It seemed like a good idea at the time
    Dave W
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  5. #5
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    That's pretty cool, I remember when all the magazines had ads for them from places like JC Whitney. They did have a reputation for skipping but in the 50's this was high tech. When 4 and 8 tracks came out we thought we were really something.

    Nice gift for your Dad. Now you have to pick up some old 45's.


  6. #6
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Somewhere in the dusty corner of my memory I sort of remember those.
    Well really didn't give it much thought until now.I would think it is worth something as a antique.

    You where here in Roch??.Next time get ahold of me and we can meet at the shop.

  7. #7
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Dave - the one in my dad's GTO was a Mopar option. His friends dad owned a dealership so he got it for him. Although I thought they were offered a bit later than 1960.

    Don - My dad has several cases of 45's in the basement so we're good there. That's one of the reasons he was interested in one, so he could play his 45's. I snuck a case away and brought it home so I could test it out . I've actually seen quite a few 45's on Craigslist too.

    Gary- They are worth something, especially restored! Ask me how I know I wasn't up in Rochester though..we just dealt on the phone and then he packed up up real good and shipped it down.
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  8. #8
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angrystroker View Post
    Do you think it will skip? Maybe mount it with some skyhooks.
    Those old record players are super cool! Knew a guy back in the late '60's that had one about like that hanging under the dash of his '56 Chevy, and it was rare then! As I recall it did OK cruising down the highway, but any harsh bumps did cause skips - his played standard 45's, not the special MOPAR discs. I think he used it more when he was parked, late at night in dark, secluded places Oh, to be young again
    Last edited by rspears; 12-10-2011 at 09:28 AM.
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  9. #9
    TomJ's Avatar
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    I had one of those in my '61 Impala back in 1965. It played good while you were parked but would sometimes skip when you hit a bump. They cost like $25 dollars back then.

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    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Have had 1 sittin in the OG box for years.
    Just looked @ it yesterday, still had the price tag on it.
    Saw 1 sell on EBay a couple years ago for $650.00
    Mayne time to unload it.
    Ya Think?
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  11. #11
    radman123 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ARC 2500 - price range?



    May I ask what these players go for these days? I have one such player and would like to sell it but don't really know how much to ask. Any help would be appreciated!


  12. #12
    cffisher's Avatar
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    I had one in my 64Chevy worked best when stoped..That and a Reverb mounted in the trunk. I still have 2 reverbs out in the shop. Remember going over R/R tracks what a noise
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  13. #13
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by radman123 View Post

    May I ask what these players go for these days? I have one such player and would like to sell it but don't really know how much to ask. Any help would be appreciated!

    I'm no expert, but just looking around they seem to be asking $500 to $750 for working, restored units. RCA's seem to be more desirable than ARC's, but I can't say why??
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    Threw mine on EBay 2 weeks ago, started the bidding @ $450
    Bingo --- it brought better than a thou.
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  15. #15
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DA34GUY View Post
    Threw mine on EBay 2 weeks ago, started the bidding @ $450
    Bingo --- it brought better than a thou.
    Wow!! Not bad for a $59.95 unit
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