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Thread: Steering box ?

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  1. #1
    406Rich's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: `37 Ford Bus Coupe

    Question Steering box ?


    Been driving this `37 now for many years, vega cross steer box is starting to wear, got slop in the bushings, would you rebuild, or replace with a 530 varible ratio box, are the bolt patterns the same or would I have to build a new mount plate for it. Weight wise I`m right at the max for a vega box and I know I`ll have to change the pitman for the 520 box.
    `37 Ford Coupe
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  2. #2
    MRTS33's Avatar
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    I saw a rack and pinion type deal that bolted in place of the vega box that looked pretty trick. Saw it on a rod but don't know anything about them. Maybe someone else will know.
    33 Pontiac 3 Window Sport Coupe

  3. #3
    406Rich's Avatar
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    Unisteer makes one for a vega replacement which I think is the vendor you are talking of, but alas, they do not have anything for a dropped `37 ford..too much interferance I guess,( maybe I need to go back to them to see if they changed) after doing some research I did find out that the 525/530 GM box has the same bolt pattern as the vega/140, the 530 is the variable ratio. I also need the short input which it has in both short or long. Still doing research as to what GM put this box in..maybe I can cut my costs..

    Just went back to their site
    This product is intended for use on 1935-1940 Model Fords that have the Stock Axle or 2” Drop Axle
    Only, further the wishbones must be split, at least around the transmission. Please read the entire
    installation sheet before beginning the install.

    I`m too low.
    Last edited by 406Rich; 10-19-2011 at 10:41 AM. Reason: add info
    `37 Ford Coupe
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  4. #4
    roadster32's Avatar
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    If you rebuild the Vega box and fill it with grease you will find it much much better, I do it to all my sterring boxes and it makes the world of difference.
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  5. #5
    406Rich's Avatar
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    I`ve read several threads on the gease part..some say to use 90 weight with stp honey 50/50 that way it dont leak and drill a small hole thru the cover bolt to release heat pressure if your next to the exhaust. Any bearing supply house should be able to set me up with bearings I suppose.
    `37 Ford Coupe
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    Kids in the back seat may cause accidents, accidents in the back seat may cause kids, so no back seat, no accidents...!

  6. #6
    Oldschool66's Avatar
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    If you're running a Vega box now, the new Unisteer is a direct replacement for a vega unit. It should bolt right in and not have any clearence issues if you don't have any now, just saying....
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  7. #7
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    I'd go with the 525 for the heavier car than the '28-34.
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