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Thread: Ouch !!

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  1. #16
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Coyote View Post
    The water pump is an Edelbrock 8820 with the Endurashine finish ....... the mounting hole for the heater hose adapter is filled by an endurashine NPT plug which came with the pump ........ didn't see any residual coolant around the plug

    I guess we just go on and see what happens
    Yeah, that's about all you can do is drive it and keep an eye on the gauges a bit more than normal, and try to figure out where the coolant leaked from.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  2. #17
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    John you'll work out the coolant issues---but I might suggest a thing or two for follow up on a deal like this---Go to that strech of road around that time of day, and watch for a vehicle of that description--it might be that he(her) just happens to use that road at around that time every day-----

  3. #18
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    John you'll work out the coolant issues---but I might suggest a thing or two for follow up on a deal like this---Go to that strech of road around that time of day, and watch for a vehicle of that description--it might be that he(her) just happens to use that road at around that time every day-----
    Was going to suggest that myself..He/she could be a creature of habit,and use that stretch of road regularly..and maybe behave like a dick on a regular basis too..Seems that a big percentage of BMW owners act the same,,no matter what part of the world..I nearly cried when I read your post,,and I am glad that there were no injuries,,hope it sorts itself out..
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  4. #19
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Those BMW guys are so bad around here, that I have written to the Governor about them and the lack of any speed enforcement on our tollway system---the state needs money but they won't bother to even think about just sending out speeding tickets from the i-pass electronics--

  5. #20
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I think a better idea would be to sit along the road, after carefully burying 6 sticks of dynamite, and, hehe, waiting for him to come along, then, hehe, just when he gets over the dynamite, hehe, you push this little remote button, and hehe...............

    Ok, bad idea, but it WOULD be nice ! Shouldn't have had that 3rd cup of coffee.

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  6. #21
    sunsetdart is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    You can try to use some of that stuff you add to the cooling system that is seen with a blacklight. So where it is leaking, if it is now, can be traced.

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