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Thread: 34 3 Window Re-Build

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  1. #31
    stovens's Avatar
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    No rubber clips?
    A very nice job, those will do very nicely!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  2. #32
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack F View Post
    Thanks Bobby,

    For the good words. This is taking much longer than I thought (doesn't it always?). One of the reasons is of course money but another is with the machinery I have now that I didn't have when I started this I am able to do more improvements than first planed. More pics to come.

    Well the rebuild is going nicely Jack . Time is on our side when we get into a projects of the degree.

  3. #33
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Thanks bluestang,

    More pics of the new hangers. Turning radius on big end, machining the bosses for the screws, drilling holes for the screws, using the slitting saw to cut the cap from the main body.

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  4. #34
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Still more pics,

    One showing the mostly finished hangers, they still need some minor profiling and polishing. Next is a shot of the new drip pan for the rear window (still needs mounting brackets and the drain hole and pipe) and two shots of the old drip pan showing the need for a new one. I made the new one from some scrap SS I found, it's not as pretty as a store bought one but I can say I made it myself and I won't have to worry about this one rusting out, besides, I'm a tight wad. Last is a shot of the wood that the pan mounts to, it's in pretty good shape except for the right leg. I will make a new one.

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  5. #35
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Just a few shots of the installed drip pan. One of the drip pan without the board to mount the window crank. In this shot you can see the new leg I made on the drivers side to replace the rotted one. You can also see that I mis-marked the holes for the mounting brackets as the pan droops to the passenger side and the apron that fits up under the window hangs below the flange. Will have to re-drill the mounting holes to raise the pan on that side and fill the wrong holes. A shot of the pan with the board attached showing better that the pan doesn't fit right. Last is a shot from the rear that also shows the drain spout. How does that saying go; measure twice, drill once? At least being SS I will never have do this pan again.

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  6. #36
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Now Jack you are making progress and all those little jobs add up to a excellent finished car. Like those exhaust hangers are too cool to be hidden under your car. I can see why you had to build the new drip tray too, very old rust had finally won the battle. Your car is looking good.
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  7. #37
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Thanks Whiplash,

    Actually the drip pan was rusted out when I bought the coupe 44 years ago. I made a fiberglass liner for it then but it still looked like crap. Thought I should build a better one this time. It isn't perfect but it is a lot nicer than the last one.


  8. #38
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    There are so many things I love about your coupe Jack, but your personal history with it is right at the top of the list. You have to really like this car a lot, I know I would.


  9. #39
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Hi Don,

    Yes I do love this coupe, more now than ever before. I almost sold it however soon after moving to Wa St. (34+ years ago). Was living with my folks and looking for a house to buy, found one just a few blocks from the folks. The people said others were looking at it and if I wanted it I would have to put earnest money soon. I didn't have any and my girl friend (we have been married 33+ years now) was still trying to sell her house in Ca. and it would take a min. 30-40 days to get any cash after she sold. A friend of a friend heard I wanted to sell my 34 for the earnest money and offered me $2000 for it. It turned out my girl friend didn't like the house as I described it (she hadn't seen it) and told me not to do it. Wheew, that was a close one. She moved up here after selling her house and we found a much nicer house. Now one of my kids or grand kids will get it when I'm gone.


    P.S. My youngest is 32 and my oldest is 46 and I plan on being around for sometime to come.

  10. #40
    dmw56's Avatar
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    On your drip pan, is/was there a hose or something that directs the water out of the trunk or does it just empties into the trunk? On mine there is the pipe but it looks like it just dumps into the trunk and there isn't any drain holes in the floor that I can see.

    Livin' on Route 66

  11. #41
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Here's what my old '33 had. There should be some drain holes at the bottom of the quarter panel wrap under, just above the running board.
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  12. #42
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    Thanks Bob. I'll look for it.
    Livin' on Route 66

  13. #43
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Bob is right, There is a hose that runs the water to the quarter panel with weep holes at the bottom. The drain pipe on the original was also curved like Bobs', I didn't have a curved SS pipe so I am just letting the rubber hose take care of that.


  14. #44
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack F View Post

    ... I didn't have a curved SS pipe so I am just letting the rubber hose take care of that.

    Since you're being so high zoot with materials I think you should refer to it as a "stainless elastomeric conductor".
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  15. #45
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Jeeezz Bob,

    Now I have another word to look up. Thanks.


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