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Thread: Change in trends?

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  1. #31
    stovens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOTRODPAINT View Post
    22 years old almost qualifies as "vintage", even if it isn't flat black! I may have told you before, but my neighbor and good friend has a 33 Plymouth sedan with Pontiac power that he has driven for well over 30 years. He repaints about every 10-15 years, but does it himself, so the cost is a lot lower. He just had me strip and bodywork the front fenders, then put them in primer, so I guess he is thinking about a new look.

    One thing he has done is run a variety of wheels, which changes the look with minimal work. Until recently, it had full moons and whitewalls. He likes to keep the paint something timeless...like flames or scallops.
    Looks pretty good. Not my choice of colors, but it's not my car. The paint job looks great. He must have some talent to do scallops! I agree that new paint and wheels can completely change the look of a car.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  2. #32
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    The picture is misleading. It is actually orange on the bottom.

    That "talent to do scallops" may have something to do with the fact he has been doing pinstriping, lettering, and illustrations for about 40 years. :-)
    Last edited by HOTRODPAINT; 05-29-2009 at 08:54 AM.

  3. #33
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I've got a few minutes to kill, and was thinking about a conversation with a future customer two days ago. He mentioned one of my jobs, that led him to me. The job seems relevent to this thread, because it is way outside any fad I remember in street rods.

    This couple described some ideas, which they had me draw up, and made the offer to buy a third design of my choice.

    I just followed the body lines, starting with the two base colors they wanted, and adding some things I had wanted to try, and they went for it. I gave them the warning that hot rodders tended to be traditional, and this may not be accepted by many. They said that if they liked it, they didn't care what others thought. (some customers have actually asked for the opposite "I don't care what it looks like, as long as everyone likes it".) To my surprise, it has continually won "people's choice" style paint awards. I guess I don't know as much as I thought
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  4. #34
    stovens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOTRODPAINT View Post
    The picture is misleading. It is actually orange on the bottom.

    That "talent to do scallops" may have something to do with the fact he has been doing pinstriping, lettering, and illustrations for about 40 years. :-)
    Very talented indeed! It is funny how the sun or any different lighting can change the look of a color. I guess thats why they say if your going to take pictures of cars, do it in the early a.m. or later in the day.
    The custom paint you did above is pretty unique. It looks like their is a lot of detail shadowed in their. Are those palm frawn designs?
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  5. #35
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Yes...palm fronds. It is a curtain fabric I found a few years ago, and stashed away in the old "lace drawer" for a future project.

    I've got some even "kooler" patterns, but I don't buy flowered lace like I did in the '70s. :-) Some of my customers, especially bikers, would put a beat-down on me if I did flowered lace paint on their ride!

  6. #36
    stovens's Avatar
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    Man my spelling is just getting worse everyday, fronds!
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  7. #37
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Hotrodpaint, that's a fine looking 33 Ply and I do like both the paint scheme and color. Also like that he kept the original roof style. I'm not changing paint anytime soon, everybody but my wife and daughter like it, but have been considering a change of wheels. Been thinking about steelies or artilleries with moons and rings, moving toward a more period style.
    Finding the right style that will work with the big Vette rear discs has always been a chore.

    I think it will give the old gal a new look and it will delay having to throw down the big bucks for new paint. find

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  8. #38
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    The original Cal Charger was a lace job

  9. #39
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    The original Cal Charger was a lace job
    I don't remember that car. I bought tons of magazines, starting in '58...and attended the Nationals from '62 to '75. It seems I would have seen it. Have you got a picture to jog my memory? :-)

    Here is a recent "lace" job. (I bought the fabric during the Halloween season.) As I said, I don't buy flowered lace any more.

    I don't expect a comeback for '70s lace any time soon. We still need to get into the 'flake and other '60s trend first, but it's been moving that way.
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  10. #40
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I emailed you some pics that I didn't know how to post here---well actually internet went down while trying--you can post them if you will----

  11. #41
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Wow!!! Next thing you know, solid colors and two tones will be back and I'll be right in style again for the third or fourth time!!!!!

    Thinks it's time to get out our lace tablecloths yet HRP?????
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  12. #42
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Chantilly lace???

    and Dave has went past the 15000 post tonight

  13. #43
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    I'll post those pics soon. I'm multi-tasking....chicken on the BBQ....watching qualifying from Topeka....and surfing the web!

  14. #44
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    Chantilly lace???

    and Dave has went past the 15000 post tonight
    Don't know if it was Chantilly lace or not Jerry----but I do know that my step-mom spent a lot of time looking for that tablecloth that came up missing!!!!!
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  15. #45
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    My grandma had a couple hand crochetted table cloths! .....but I valued my life too much!

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