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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #571
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks Ken. Once again everyone, SORRY ABOUT THE BIG PICTURES! One of these days I'll actually learn how to work this computer thingie.


  2. #572
    rc57's Avatar
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    That looks incredible guys!!! Lots of attention to details. Is he missing front brakes?
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  3. #573
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thank you. Yeah, he has Wilson Welding '39 Lincoln front backing plates but the Buick drums need slightly machined to clear them. Believe it or not, we can't find a shop in the entire Ft Myers area who can cut the lip off. Bob at Wilson Welding says it is a simple operation on a brake lathe, but every brake shop and machine shop I have called says they can't do it. I am also reluctant to give these to just anyone as these drums are mint and Gastrick on here had two sets of Buick drums ruined by shops he used to do the same procedure.

    Bob at Wilson offered to do them but we would have to build a plywood crate and hope UPS or FedEx didn't run over it with their truck enroute. I am going to keep trying locally, there must be one competent shop in this area. My problem is working all week I can't get out and search for one.......might have to call in sick some day soon.

    Here are the backing plates that he is using.

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  4. #574
    stovens's Avatar
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    Don every inch of the frame and motor are polished smooth and gleaming. I think the car show idea is great. Everyone will flock to it! All that hard work shows, like Dave said. It just is stunning. The frame alone just stands out!
    Also I think I'm going to need to reread the thread and get the name of that black paint for some detail work of my own. It is Black Widow Black!!!
    Last edited by stovens; 05-10-2009 at 09:56 AM.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  5. #575
    BradC's Avatar
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    Don, tell Dan the frame and chassie looking great can't wait to see it up close.
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  6. #576
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Steve, it's 1950 Chrysler black. It really is the blackest I have seen. The guy at the paint store said it has very little blue or other colors in it. I always thought black was black, but it turns out there are lots of different shades of it.

    After seeing how it all looks together Dan is leaning toward the body being black too, with a white top. But that could change tomorrow.


  7. #577
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Don, I think Franklin Welding is over in your area somewhere (maybe Sarasota or Fort Myers?). They're at the Turkey Run every year. They make narrowed rears and other stuff; they might be able to do those drums. Maybe someone on here knows their address or phone number...

    All that black is beautiful, but it needs a COLOR to contrast and make it "pop". It needs something like bright red metalflake or candy Tangerine orange...

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  8. #578
    STREETWERKZ's Avatar
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    absolutely stunning, almost a shame to cover that frame with a body

    Nice work!!
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  9. #579
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Looks amazing!! Fortunately for me I went over yesterday to visit my mom for Mother's Day, had lunch and the '35 is in the garage there so I snuck out for 4 hours or so then came back in for dinner and left after dinner
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  10. #580
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Jim: I'll have to check out Franklin to see where they are, thanks for the tip. Dan found the perfect contrasting color for his rod, it's called chrome and polished stainless! He has kicked around a bunch of colors, but is going for the understated look with pretty much all black except for a white top and white rolled and pleated interior. Shooting for that "little book" look from the early 50's. That's today, but until he actually pays the body shop to shoot it the color could change at any time.

    Thanks Josh. Your help and that of everyone else got us through the powder coating issue. We are really glad we did it now.

    Thanks 35fordcoupe. Not a bad day. Free meal with Mom and time to work on the car too. You are a brave man to sneak out like that.


  11. #581
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Dan found the perfect contrasting color for his rod, it's called chrome and polished stainless! He has kicked around a bunch of colors, but is going for the understated look with pretty much all black except for a white top and white rolled and pleated interior. Shooting for that "little book" look from the early 50's.
    Another suggestion that fits the theme stated would be some simple pin striping for enhancing. A single or double stipe around the hubcaps, some highlighting on the tailgate and grill shell, maybe at the beltline, even the radius rods. Not too much, just enough to be a subtle touch in keeping with the time frame simulated. White to compliment the interior/tonneau/top would work well
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  12. #582
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    That's actually the plan Bob. He is hoping Skratch is at Daytona again this year so he can get some pinstriping done. After Don and I had him do our cars last year Dan isn't about to let us outdo him. I have to admit that the lines he laid down really did finish our cars off,


  13. #583
    stovens's Avatar
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    I like the black white chrome stainless theme! I was thinking black bench seat with white diamonds diagonally would look cool in an old rod too! Can't go wrong with the pleats!
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  14. #584
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Don---We need an update---Surely there must be progress since last series of pictures.---Brian
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  15. #585
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    Brian, as a matter of fact we are on our way out the door right now, heading to the shop. We've been doing all those little things that need done to fire up an engine for the first time, and last weekend was a wash because Dan was out of town the whole time. But we did go over a couple of nights this week and start running plug wires, etc.

    Funny thing happened. We made a preluber that we spun with an electric drill, and when I started running it a big stream of oil about a foot high shot out of the open sender hole in the block! At least we knew we had good oil pressure, but the cleanup wasn't real fun.

    Tonight we are going to buy a temporary battery and make up a gauge panel. His driveshaft was done this week so we can get that in place too. Nothing earthshaking, but maybe we can fire it up this weekend.

    Thanks for asking.


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