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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #346
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Yeah, he makes me wear gloves when we work on it. That's probably what kept my finger from getting damaged worse.


  2. #347
    stovens's Avatar
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    The hard work and long hours are really showing at this point. I have to agree with a few others that it will be ashame putting on body on this frame!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  3. #348
    Don Shillady's Avatar
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    I was going to tell this story on the thread about elbow injuries but there is already a lot of pain there. To make it short, instead of drilling a toe/finger nail to relieve pressure, at the risk of further injury from the drill, just straighten out a paper clip and heat the end with a clean flame and the hot wire will MELT a hole through the nail and relieve the pressure. It worked for me! The powder coat looks terrific!

    Don Shillady
    Retired Scientist/teen rodder
    Last edited by Don Shillady; 02-10-2009 at 09:07 PM.

  4. #349
    onemintcaddy's Avatar
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    Wow,,,, Don,, Can you get a close up of the 4-Bar brackets. That's really Cool.
    Last edited by onemintcaddy; 02-11-2009 at 07:24 AM.

  5. #350
    BradC's Avatar
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    Don, what no picture of the damaged finger.......LOL
    Has Dan settled on color for the body?
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  6. #351
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I did take a picture of my finger so I can sue Dan, but he said he has no money left.........he spent it all on his car.

    Don, I tried the hot paperclip trick last night, but chickened out when it started going through the nail. I will have to do it again tonight after a couple of beers.

    Onemintcaddy, I'll post up some pictures of the fourbar setup tonight after I get home for you.


  7. #352
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Onemintcaddy, I don't have all of the pictures I once had, I just had to buy a new computer and all my pictures are locked up in the old one. But here are some that I do have. Essentially it is an Autoweld setup that was designed for drag car applications, but modified by us to fit this setup. He's using it with a 9 inch Ford rear and a set of Posies superslide quarter eliptic springs. Hope these help.

    BTW, those 3 "rivets" you see in each of the four bar frame mounts are not really holding anything. He drilled and tapped button head screws into those holes to simulate the rivets Ford used to hold mounts to the frame. Just to give it a little different look.

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  8. #353
    Rickomatic's Avatar
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    I have never been a fan of the half spring suspensions. But Dan's sure looks sharp and even appear to be very functional as well. You guys have some engineering smarts in ya.

    Pride Runs Deep

  9. #354
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks Ricko. I think this setup should ride pretty well. The combination of quarter eliptics in the back and a single Superslide in the front should plant the tires pretty well. Plus, this car is not going to be a featherweight, Dan overbuilds his stuff, and four grown men had trouble carrying the bare frame out of the body shop. They kept asking "how much does this d*** thing weigh?" Good thing he put that 455 in there to move it around.


  10. #355
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    Hey Don if your old computer is windows xp and your new one is Vista, there is a cheap cable transfer device made by Belkin that will let you transfer all your old stuff that you want to keep to the new one. It is quick and super easy to use. Steve.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #356
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    Thanks Steve. What happened was that some virus got in and locked it up, it would take like hours to go from one screen to another. If I came to this forum for example and clicked on a thread, it could be hours before that thread came up. I finally called the Geek Squad, and they said the harddrive was so bad they refunded my $ 199.00 because we couldn't even get on the internet so they could take control of it to fix it. So I just bought a new one. Some day when I have a lot of time I will hook up the old one and put some discs in to capture my pictures at least, but it will be a long slow process.

    The old computer was maybe 6 years old, so it was no sin to scrap it.


  12. #357
    onemintcaddy's Avatar
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    Hay Don,, Thats what I was interested in is the brackets,,,,, Where they tig-welded all the way around? I like that stainless,,, Nice touch.
    To bad on your computer,,, I needed to get a different one also. Then I found out my camera wouldn't work with this one. Looked at my wife and she said,, OK,, you can get a new one. I still have a bunch of photos on that thing of my frame build. Some Day.

  13. #358
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Awesome stuff, Don! Every car mag out there is going to want to feature this when it's done.

  14. #359
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don- I don't know if this helps or not, but once my computer crashed and I was able to just buy a new hard drive for the computer so I bought an external hard drive also so that I could put the old drive in there to recover my documents. I ended up removing all the operating software from the old hard drive and now I use it as extra space for music and pictures. You said the hard drive was bad though so I'm not sure your case is exactly the same.

    I'm glad to see things moving along on the rpu. any progress on your dodge or is there no time in this stage of Dan's build bolting on shiny parts where he wants to work alone?
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  15. #360
    BradC's Avatar
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    Any updates Don, or has he decided to start over........LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

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