Some of us will be going to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas next week. For those not familiar with SEMA, the Specialty Equipment Manufacturer's Assoc., it is the industry umbrella for companies that make neat stuff for cars. SEMA has been very good for our hobby, especially in their efforts to keep tabs on draconian legislation across this country by state governments. They've been successful in stopping, or seriously influencing the mitigation of, bad or unfavorable laws that would negatively impact the "collector"/modifier hobby.

In another thread Jeff (deepnhock) brought up the point about how much modification ricers are undergoing. Thinking of last year's SEMA show I can attest that there were many more vendors aiming at the "tuner" market than the hot rod market. These people don't make this hardware just to hold on shelves (at least not intentionally). There have got to be a lot of buyers of this stuff, including the neon lights, stickers, and such. There's a pretty strong message there.

We'll be commenting on anything new or interesting we see there week after next for those that are interested. If anyone else here is planning to go and want to hook up, let me know.