Since I had a fit of tear it apartitis the other night, and trashed my Chevy tilt column, I am now starting another search for a column to fit the roadster pickup. Something that I am curious about is how much column should actually stick out past the firewall. I am running a Vega cross steering, a small block Chev engine, and a set of flea market rams horn manifolds. I would think that this is a fairly common combination of components. I have one single u-joint which will fit on a Chev double D steering shaft, and a second single u-joint which fits the Vega box. The Vega box sets with the input shaft practically horizontal. I will be running an intermediate shaft betwen the universals, with no support bearing. I am a big man, weigh in at about 260, so I will probably keep the steering wheel end of the column as close to the dash as is practical to gain belly room. No, I'm not going to buy a Flaming River column, they cost about a zillion dollars up here in Canada. I am going to haunt the wrecking yards and find something without a shift lever, but with a key switch and signal light lever. Any guidance regarding column length and projection beyond firewall is greatly appreciated.---a very big thank you to people who have helped with this question on other posts.