I got a minuite so, I will post the story on my '51 Chevy. About 3 years ago, I saw an old late 40's early 50's car sitting in a logging places yard for sale, I told my mom " lets get that car, I want that car ", she said, no, we don't have a garage or any place to put anything like that. We passed the car just about every week, going grocery shopping, I always asked the same question, always got the same answer. I kind of let of for 2 years, then told my mom I wanted to look at it, it was a snowy day, probably 2 foot, I drudged through it to look at the car, not because I wanted it, just to see what shape it was in. When I began in the market for a old car, about 3 months after looking at that car, I figured, I'd call who owned it, I called the logging place, it wasn't theres, they were letting the guy who owned it put it there to sell, I got his number from them and called him, he said it was a '50 Chevy 4dr and it would come with new rockers, and the rear wheel openings, floor and brakes were arleady done. I looked at a 1963 Nash Rambler Classic 4dr at a dealership in Seneca Falls Ny, it had a little amature work done to the driver side A piller, a nasty creased dent in the roof and the roof wasn't str8, I figured it was possibly flipped over at some point, at 1,600 minimum, it wasn't worth it to me, so I called the guy about the '50 ( was thought to be back then ) and aranged to have it looked over and bought if possible, it looked a little rougher than I thought but, was still solid and workable, the next day, I bought it, 800 bucks, we got him down from 1200. I soon found out that it was a '51 ( I didn't know much about the old Chevy's back then, only after research did I hold the info about them I do today ). The registration says '50 so it must be a holdover car or somthing, that's why the guy thought it was a '50. My mom is now happy I have the car and we laugh at the days I asked, " Can we get it "