Quote Originally Posted by Evolvo View Post
Tech, you asked me a ? a few posts ago about what kind of country I would want if I had the power to make it happen. I gave you a truthful answer. You never took the time to respond and tell me if you agreed or not.

Now you're advocating armed conflict on the streets of America. Are you out of you're mind?

Who are these patriots you speak of? Are they the people who believe America is a country where only white people belong, or are they the people who believe that EVERYONE in this country has the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"?

Here's a thought:
If every American is required to stand when they hear the National Anthem you don't live in the "Land of the Free"

And if you're afraid to take a knee when it's played you don't live in "The home of the brave"

If you want to live in a country where everyone is required to stand for the National anthem move to North Korea!
I hope that someday I get to meet you in person.......