Not to get into too much detail, I've been trying to get clear of what's become a chronic sinus infection for almost four months, and I've been on severely reduced activities for most of that time just not feeling good. While the ENT was reviewing the CT results about a week ago, muttering quietly about things not making sense he announced, "We need to go in and open up and clean out your right side ethmoids!" My reaction was, "Whatever it takes to get rid of this #@%^*#@ infection!"

Going in Tuesday the 12th for him to work his magic, running the CT image in parallel with his endoscope images to get everything cleaned out while staying clear of the orbit of the eye and the floor of the skull supporting the brain. I think that's why they didn't get into this area back in '95 when I did the sinus surgery routine that's kept me pretty much OK for 20 years. The whole process is supposed to be less than an hour of roto-rooter work. Hoping that's the case, and that the recovery process yields no more infection that's been there for far, far too long!