Reading about kids and cars in Dave’s post about Lexi turning three made me think of something “car related” that happened with my daughter Diane. When she was growing up, she was best friends with Emily. We lived out in the country down a long gravel driveway off a paved road and Emily’s family lived one street over and down a bit. Diane spent a lot of time at Emily’s house and one evening after dark, she was still there. We called and asked Emily’s mom to send Diane home. A few minutes later, headlights came down our drive way but the car parked and the engine shut off. I thought one of Emily’s parents needed to come in for a while, but to my surprise, Diane came in and went up to her room. I knocked on her door and asked, “How did you get home?” to which Diane replied, “Emily’s mom let me use her car. She said I could bring it home tomorrow morning on my way to school.” Sure enough, Emily’s mothers brand new Mercedes was in my driveway – which would not have been a big deal except Diane was 14 years old… Sigh, and that was the beginning of Diane and Emily driving back and forth between our houses for several years before either got their licenses.

Oh by the way, Diane started driving go-karts, mini-bikes and dirt bikes when she was five. So Dave, if you read this – know that starting them young will lead to all kinds of “opportunities”..

Regards All,