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  1. #1231
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post

    Well gee Ted.... Just who is it that gets to decide who can or can not express their opinion????

    I've been around CHR for awhile, and have never seen a thread cause more delete's, people banned, hurt feelings, and general hate and discontent.

    IMO it's not the sort of thread that is conducive to a friendly HOT ROD forum full of people offering each other help and encouragement on their projects!!!

    I guess you've forgotten about "streets"?
    Ken Thomas
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  2. #1232
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Nope, I hadn't.... He made some enemies, but didn't alienate as many as this thread has.... He had his "favorite" victims!!!!!!
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  3. #1233
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Changed my mind - - sorry
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  4. #1234
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cffisher View Post
    Hot rod stuff!
    Do these tires make my rearend look to big??
    Nope. It's the 'fat' not the dress
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  5. #1235
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    I'm still trying to find those tires with the sideways stripes !
    Don't think Coker has them but they've got to be online somehwere !
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  6. #1236
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    I'm still trying to find those tires with the sideways stripes !
    Don't think Coker has them but they've got to be online somehwere !
    I got the last two sets, they'll be backordered for awhile now....Didn't want my car to look skinny!!!!!!! Fashion guru that I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  7. #1237
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    Somebody said that they sound like this
    Funny Horse! - YouTube
    going down the highway - - is that true???
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  8. #1238
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well, they're a bit noisy, for sure! Corey Coker told me they would be THE ideal tire here for our South Dakota winters when the snow blows horizontal..... Horizontal snow and horizontal tread, makes sense to me! That's why I bought the last two sets!!!!
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  9. #1239
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Back to the subject - (found on Drudge) - but a frightening thought:

    » Will The Election Results Cause Massive Riots To Erupt All Over America? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

    Hate continues in America
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  10. #1240
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Scary, Dave, that could almost be interpreted as "inciting to Riot" - - - - some of the ?people? out there are just looking for ?any? excuse to loot and pillage - - - - the Media (puke) had better be careful in their reporting !
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  11. #1241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    Well, they're a bit noisy, for sure! Corey Coker told me they would be THE ideal tire here for our South Dakota winters when the snow blows horizontal..... Horizontal snow and horizontal tread, makes sense to me! That's why I bought the last two sets!!!!
    to the udder Dave - I've seen it snow horizontally in Amarillo, Texas before - - - - does that count?
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  12. #1242
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    to the udder Dave - I've seen it snow horizontally in Amarillo, Texas before - - - - does that count?
    Yeah, but that's Southern snow, blows from the opposite direction~ Other the that, tires should work fine~
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  13. #1243
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Back to the subject - (found on Drudge) - but a frightening thought:

    » Will The Election Results Cause Massive Riots To Erupt All Over America? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

    Hate continues in America
    I think we talked about this some months back, briefly, in this thread (or perhaps it's predecessor). There's a distinct possibility of those outcomes given that many on the left have been allowed to get away with cheapening reasonable discussion of racism. Look (if your stomach is strong enough) at the silliness that goes on MSNBC...............wherein the likes of Matthews and O'Donnell can spend an entire show effectively justifying the use of the name "Chicago" as racist code. The operative word being "code" as that bit of trickery allows them to make any word/phrase they choose labled as "racist". Clear thinking folks recognize this as an opportunistic exercise on their part, but there are people driven by other motives who have embraced those notions.

    I would worry less about those folks quoted on twitter, they're probably just blowing off steam. The ones to worry about are the ones not shooting off their mouth. Think about the number of Hollywood twits that said they would "...leave the country if Bush is re-elected...". They're still here................... However, California has had a significant exodus of people who have become fed up with the deterioration of their state. They didn't make a big show of it, they didn't shoot off their mouths, they just quietly came to a decision to act, arranged their life circumstances in as favorable way as they could figure for themselves, and executed on their plan. Some retired to other states, some moved their businesses to other states (a few to other countries), some found work elsewhere. As long as the entire country isn't reduced to the same lower level, motivated people will migrate to where ever they perceive the opportunities for them lie. Others who have a grimmer view (or more prescient) have left the country. As an example, there's a comparatively sizeable community of medical professionals who have moved from the US to Costa Rica in search of a more hospitable environ. I suspect there are others likewise motivated. All that happening without any big rallies or uprisings. Those folks may have complained to friends and family, may have written letters or emails to political representatives, or done whatever they felt were their best efforts to change the directions they felt were disadvantageous, but in the end they didn't bluster or cause destruction, they just acted. Those that would riot as that article suggests may swing into action as a result of election results and the urging of charletons such as those named above, but after the riot their lives won't be any different. If they never took the time to learn a skill, learn to read, build a productive life, they'll still be impoverished in whatever way they were before the riot. They chose not to learn it isn't the actions of others that has held them back, but rather their own poor choices and allowing others to use them as tools for their own benefit (whether they be politicans, celebrities, or well meaning but misguided folks). Such is the way of degrading societies............they don't fall apart in one event, or overnight. Rather, it's like a cancer growing one cell at a time, as uncivil behavior is not shunned as it occurs but is instead, allowed to propagate.
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  14. #1244
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    In 1968 there were riots in over 100 cities and I would not be surprised to see that again this year if ZER Obama is not re elected------

    Chicago had the Illinois National Guard deployed as well as all the police---it was called the riot by the police as they took action against the protesters

  15. #1245
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    I'm getting kinda jumpy as to what we can talk about on this thread so I'll ask first.

    Can we talk about Abortion here?????????????????????????????????
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