Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
Like or dislike doesn't have thing to do with unless you're talking about a popularity contest. I'm not into communism or socialism or whatever tack the clown in the White House is proposing. And I sure am getting sick and tired of the rich versus the poor BS. How many people have ever been offered a well paying job from someone that is poor? That's what Capitalism is all about, you want to be successful get off your butt and work for it.
Interesting! Capitalism is who dies with the most money WINS! Romney was born with money(he wins)Do you think a successful person really wants to pay you well(or has to ,to compete) Communism-socialism,If you are working for someone and get laided off (not your fault, economy,slow times,ect) un employment check not welcome? Natural disaster(tornado,flood,snow!!) Government help? I'm not talking freeloaders I;m talking hard working people that might need some help!! Is Obama the Man? Maybe not!! I's Romney NO!! Pete