One can define "the South" by the Mason-Dixon line, which was made to broker an agreement between two British colonies before there even was a United States of America.

Or, you can define the south by the dividing line across the norther borders of the states of Virginia, Tennesse, Arkansas and Texas, which division was made a hundred years later, well after the establishment of the USA.

Or, you can define the south by the states with the highest number of mullet haircuts and dog balls hanging from their trailer hitchs.

Or, you can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me Johnnie, or . . . (that should bring out some old timers.)

Unfortunately, folks can't see the expressions of others who post comments on the internet. Sometimes comments are misinterpreted. I think that happened here.

Regardless, everyone knows that the Civil War didn't start at Ft. Sumpter. It started on the Kansas-Missouri border due to the Kansas-Nebraska act - which also caused the formation of the Democratic and Republican parties.