I wanted to go to at least one Car Show this year since so many other things have taken place surgeries, wife working, etc.

Its one thing to be at a show and it start to rain but to get in the car you have worked on preparing for a show and start out in the rain is another story. Went out yesterday to get a new 6-volt battery just to make sure we would get there and back. I changed the oil and filter. I bought a cleaner & dressing for the vinyl top, white wall cleaner, car cleaner & wax.
Lying in bed this morning I could hear that distinct sound of rain, it’s coming down pretty good now with lightning and thunder.
I’m going to have to pass on this one; there may be one more before the end of the year. I know the James Dean show will be in September. We would have to drive there and back the same day because every Motel has been booked way in advance.

We have been caught in the rain quite a few times but that was when we were hundreds of miles into the trip. It has rained on the way home from and even during the show. We were in Louisville Kentucky when the big flood came. One minute is was nice sun was shinning the next the rain came down and flooded the place, cars were under water that was really bad.

So what would you do?
