Has the problem of people stealing stuff always been this bad??? Tonight I stepped out on the back porch to have a smoke, now I live out in the country a few miles and crime has never been a problem for us sense we moved here two and a half years ago. Oh you hear the storys about drugs this and the problems they cause, but you just don't think it going to be a problem. Anyways as I am setting there I noticed the shop door was swinging open. I knew I had locked it when I came in tonight. The shop is about 100 yards or so from the house. I jumped on my golf cart and went to close and lock the door, when I saw lights in the shop. I went in the house and grapped a pistol and went to check. As I pull up in front of the shop two dudes run out the side door. I stopped them and had Joanne call the Police. Inside the shop they had all of my Snap on tools bagged and ready to go, they were selective thieves I guess as they left the Craftsman tools alone. Police come and haul them away. Police took a statement and now its 2:00 AM and things have finally calmed down some, but man am I pissed. I worked damn hard for what stuff I do have, payed for every bit of it myself with my own money, I sure would like to keep it. So I guess for a little piece of mind I will get an alarm system tomorrow or just as soon as they can install one.

Its a shame though when a man has to make the choice of just how far you will "HAVE" to go to keep what is rightly yours. Now even though I did grap a pistol before I went to confront these pricks, I would have had a very hard time shooting these two idiots over some stuff. Thankfully they didn't know that and they were so busy trying to figure a way out that it didn't have to come to that. But in the end stuff is still stuff and I was able to have it end that way. They didn't need killing , but they damn sure needed a good old fashioned ass wooping. Maybe if that happened when they were young uns they would respect others belongings.

Sorry for the vent but I'm still a little goofy from this.
