I would guess that most of us on here are also members of other forums, I know I am. From time to time a member of a forum will post a question on one forum, then post the same question on one or more additional forums. I'm talking about a QUESTION, not something like pictures of a car show, or of his build.

My question is, how do you feel when you see this?

1) It doesn't really bother me at all, let them get as many opinions as they can.


2) It kinda turns me off. Makes me feel they are not confident in the answers they will get on one forum and therefore are seeking confirmation elsewhere.

As for me, it doesn't really bother me most times, but I only respond on one of the forums because it seems dumb to keep posting the same answer I have given on the first forum. But every once in a while it makes me wonder why the poster had to ask it in so many other places.

Just curious how you feel about this.
