Let me start from the top. The plan for heat this winter is to put a wood furnace in the garage about 25 feet away and pipe the heat underground into the house therefore keeping the mess in the garage. In order to do this a decent section of sidewalk had to be removed in order to put the pipes in but no big deal because they poured the sidewalk over my septic tank which hasn't been serviced for 20+ years and it should be pumped out, kill two birds with one stone.
Well, i ripped the cement out and poked around the ground to find the tank, no tank. Take a foot of dirt out poke around, no tank .Start on some more dirt and all the sudden I am wondering why I can't keep the skidloader bucket straight and why do I smell sewer, yep, back tire found the tank. Two more feet down was the tank, the lid completly rotted away and I fell through. I dug around it with a spade and the old tank was crumbling away so I got a new tank installed today only in a better location.
Its not all bad though, the old tank was packed solid so hard I could jump up and down in it and not go down a bit. I think we were getting real close to a disaster this winter.
More money comes in when the propane truck came and put in $800 of LP in this week ( thats were burning wood gets nice ). The other whoops was when we actually balanced the checkbook the right way and we were off $900..... for the worse.
I can,t wait till this vacation at home is over