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Thread: Time for a New Garage

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  1. #1
    53 Chevy5's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Doon, Ia
    Car Year, Make, Model: 53 Chevy 3100

    Time for a New Garage


    I'm going to put this here because it's going to house Rita lol. When we moved here about 17 yrs. ago, we had to do a lot of work and fix many things. One of those things that was not on the list was the garage. The roof was showing its age at the time and the cement was flaking apart everywhere and it was barley 24x24, so we decided not to put any money into it. Last year it was getting too bad to put off much longer, so we started making plans. The new one is 30x40, two doors in the front and one comes in from the side towards the rear. We also added a small bathroom in it so we can redo our current bathroom soon which is also needed badly (finally the last room lol). We tried to figure out a way to attach it to the house, but our basement step arrangement screwed up any plan without a major re arrangement inside the house which wasn't worth it. Instead, we connected the roof line and put heated cement under the sidewalk to the garage and have water runoff going away from that area. One thing kinda neat is the guy doing the work grew up on this place, and he does incredible work. I may have to take over pretty quick though because the budget is blown pretty bad so I need to slow down the check book a bit.
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    Last edited by 53 Chevy5; 11-04-2023 at 07:10 PM.
    Bob Parmenter and NTFDAY like this.

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