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Thread: Last chance bucket list bucket/bobtail/modified/track-roadster

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  1. #31
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Hi and sad to hear you have had health issues, hope you are feeling on the up soon. I can't give advice on the new shop you are talking about but what I would suggest is go and pay a visit, ask if you can have a look at some of their work on the go and maybe a finished frame. Look at the general upkeep of the shop, is it clean and tidy with everything placed in an orderly fashion. Why I say this is that I found that people who take pride in their workshop appearance tend to produce good work. If you like what you see and the owner is friendly then ask him about your plans and one off build showing him or her any drawings you have. There is absolutely no harm in politely asking and if you get a good reception then that will help you make further decisions.

    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  2. #32
    34_40's Avatar
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    Times 2. Meet with the manager and ask for referrals,, if they have happy customers, I'm sure they wouldn't mind answering a couple questions.

  3. #33
    Zandoz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Hi and sad to hear you have had health issues, hope you are feeling on the up soon. I can't give advice on the new shop you are talking about but what I would suggest is go and pay a visit, ask if you can have a look at some of their work on the go and maybe a finished frame. Look at the general upkeep of the shop, is it clean and tidy with everything placed in an orderly fashion. Why I say this is that I found that people who take pride in their workshop appearance tend to produce good work. If you like what you see and the owner is friendly then ask him about your plans and one off build showing him or her any drawings you have. There is absolutely no harm in politely asking and if you get a good reception then that will help you make further decisions.

    From what I've told the place is pretty impressive. I've been wanting to stop in, but between my and my wife's health issues it's not been possible. I'm working on a more detailed DXF to send them, and when both of us are better I hope to make it there in person.
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    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  4. #34
    Zandoz's Avatar
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    Well, this is another no real progress progress update

    The health issues have gotten worse much quicker than anticipated. I've gone from using a cane to get around the house, to needing a wheelchair for anything more than a couple steps. Plus some of the pinched spinal cord issues...decrease of dexterity and feeling in my hands...have returned. Needing a wheelchair was anticipated and planned for, but has set in much sooner than anticipated. We knew the return of the spinal cord issues were possible, but if/when/how was unknown.

    In general, I've just not felt up to do much of anything physical.

    Also, my mechanic friend who encouraged me to undertake this project, and was going to assist me, is moving out of state. This means I'll probably have to hire out some aspects of the project...which with my budget will mean slowing things down.

    What I have been doing is refining both versions of my frame plans...and making excuses for not pulling the trigger on either. The plans that started out as "What if" busy work, have become my favorite. Though the frame itself would require a couple more simple features, the bracketry would be simpler. Also, a big plus would be not requiring the immediate automation of the rear air bag suspension, for me to be able to get in and out of the car.

    With the worsening of the health issues, I've been dragging my feet and making excuses for not pulling the trigger on having the frame built.

    Over the last 2 years I've been acquiring parts. I now have the majority of the major parts except the following:

    • Frame
    • Radiator
    • Front spindles & brakes
    • Rear air suspension bags & schrader valves
    • Rear wheels
    • Front & rear Tires
    • Ancillary gauges
    • Shifter
    • Bench seat

    I have a lot invested in this project, and it has become my obsession. Fiddling with my CAD plans or tracking down bits and pieces that I can afford, is how I spend most of my time. My heart says I REALLY want to do this. My frugal nature says to cut my losses and give it up. My wife supports me in this, but I feel she may be a bit in denial about my health issues. If I give it up, I'll be at a loss for what to do with my time.

    I really don't know which way to go.
    Last edited by Zandoz; 10-09-2015 at 12:51 PM.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  5. #35
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    It sounds like the planning is going to have to be refined, to work around your limitations. Don't give up.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  6. #36
    Zandoz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firebird77clone View Post
    It sounds like the planning is going to have to be refined, to work around your limitations. Don't give up.
    Working around limitations has been part of this project from day one. Two factors I can't work around...the lack of energy I've had for the last months...and the unpredictability of the spinal cord issue. The last go around the spinal cord pinch went from nothing to paralysed from the waist up, over a period of about 3 months. There is no predicting this time around...it could lay me up 10 minutes from now, years from now, or never. One thing that is predictable is that this time around, there is no fix...the operation that got me going again was a one time fix.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  7. #37
    rspears's Avatar
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    Bill, I'm so sorry that your physical situation has diminished faster than you'd expected, and I don't want to be negative at all, but while you say
    ...I now have the majority of the major parts except the following...
    your list of parts you still need are all pretty high dollar pieces, and they comprise most of the rolling chassis. It sounds like you have mainly the engine, tranny, differential, front axle minus spindles, and body? The real problem is that any incomplete project gets dimes on dollars if it comes time to sell before it's done, and you'll hope to get 50% of what you paid for parts, and little or nothing for labor costs invested. I'd say you need to make an honest assessment on your ability to see the project through to the end, and if not then do you continue to invest more in parts, knowing that you'll sell them for a loss? That said, there is a lot of value in the positive aspect of having the project to keep your focus on something positive.

    I sense the turmoil you're in about your project, and wish you the best as you decide how to proceed. I don't think anyone can make this decision for you.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  8. #38
    36 sedan's Avatar
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    Bill, like the all of us here, my deepest sorrows for your worsening condition.
    May I make a suggestion, it sounds like you really enjoy the CAD work and sourcing parts. While those skills alone won't finish your project, they could most certainly be useful to others, possibly earning enough or by trading skills to complete your project and help many in the process.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  9. #39
    Zandoz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Bill, I'm so sorry that your physical situation has diminished faster than you'd expected, and I don't want to be negative at all, but while you say your list of parts you still need are all pretty high dollar pieces, and they comprise most of the rolling chassis. It sounds like you have mainly the engine, tranny, differential, front axle minus spindles, and body? The real problem is that any incomplete project gets dimes on dollars if it comes time to sell before it's done, and you'll hope to get 50% of what you paid for parts, and little or nothing for labor costs invested. I'd say you need to make an honest assessment on your ability to see the project through to the end, and if not then do you continue to invest more in parts, knowing that you'll sell them for a loss? That said, there is a lot of value in the positive aspect of having the project to keep your focus on something positive.

    I sense the turmoil you're in about your project, and wish you the best as you decide how to proceed. I don't think anyone can make this decision for you.
    If negative is what you see, so be it. Honesty is better medicine than false negativity or optimism.

    I have more than you think, but you are right in that what is left is nothing to sneeze at. For me, the big question mark on the remaining list is the frame...it will have to be custom made, and there is no shortcut, but it is what is needed next to start making something of the conglomeration of parts I have. The rest, given time, I could acquire for a fraction of retail cost...as I have done for most of what I have acquired. Some of the stuff I have has taken me 2 years to track down at a price I was willing to pay...but until now I was functioning under the idea that time was the commodity I had most to spend.

    Recouping has never been part of the equation. The money spent on this endeavour is the cost of pursuing something that has been on my bucket list before I was old enough to grasp the concept of a bucket list. If it comes to that, what ever the return on investment, would be a rebate on the price of doing something I love.

    Thank you for your well wishes.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  10. #40
    36 sedan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zandoz View Post
    If negative is what you see, so be it.
    Bill I'm at a loss here??? I think you read this wrong, I don't think anyone is trying to dash your spirit, but to quote you "if that's what you see".......
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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Bill, like the all of us here, my deepest sorrows for your worsening condition.
    May I make a suggestion, it sounds like you really enjoy the CAD work and sourcing parts. While those skills alone won't finish your project, they could most certainly be useful to others, possibly earning enough or by trading skills to complete your project and help many in the process.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Thank you for your wishes.

    As far as the CAD work goes, the problem there is that I could never charge for it. I'm a self taught amateur, not a pro...and I'm not one to charge for helping out. I do that for free as long as it's understood that one gets what they pay for. If there is something I can do for someone along those lines, get in touch and we'll see where it leads.

    Sourcing parts is something were I'm less likely to be of any help, simply due to my approach in doing it for myself. I don't look for something specific. I look for things that may work with what I have, and get me where I'm going...or may take me in a new but better or acceptable direction. There is very little of what I've aquired that I set out specifically looking for. Having said all that clear as mush babble, I'm not adverse to being on the lookout for things, but again it's not something I'd do for payment...only to pay it forward.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Bill I'm at a loss here??? I think you read this wrong, I don't think anyone is trying to dash your spirit, but to quote you "if that's what you see".......
    What I was trying to say is that I do not see anyone's opinion as being negative, regardless of what it is. I would rather anyone be honest...even if it is going to be a hard pill for me to swallow.
    rspears and 36 sedan like this.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

  13. #43
    JeffB2's Avatar
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    If your physical health was OK could you do this on your own? Maybe if a local automotive trade school was close by maybe you could recruit some helpers you could mentor and take care of the physical work.You would be helping yourself and getting some future rodders on the right path.

  14. #44
    34_40's Avatar
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    As I was reading all the above and catching up, I was left with the thought that your ability to do CAD (even self taught!) could be beneficial to other rodders.

    Perhaps a local group or even folks here could pass ideas by you and you could work your magic for a simple donation.?.?.?

    Not a fee but a simple donate what you feel it's worth platform. It could put some "fun money" into your pockets or even help fund the project. Plus it may help find "like minded folks" who could help with your project? A local car club for instance??

    A simple ad posted at a local supermarket.. or a ad on craigslist? Using your ability with the program could potentially help your project move forward.

    Or perhaps it's still to early, and I haven't had enough coffee....

  15. #45
    Zandoz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffB2 View Post
    If your physical health was OK could you do this on your own? Maybe if a local automotive trade school was close by maybe you could recruit some helpers you could mentor and take care of the physical work.You would be helping yourself and getting some future rodders on the right path.
    If my health was OK, I'd be able to do most except dealing with that 700R4, and things requiring specialty tools. Though long ago and far away, I do have a lot of automotive history.

    The trade school is not an option...due to insurance/liability issues they do not deal with outside projects. I just do not feel comfortable asking for help...but I'd not turn down offers of help. I will have inexperienced help from my son-in-law.

    Besides my nature not being comfortable putting folks on the spot by asking for help, there is another issue dealing with help. I have other health issues beside the ones I've discussed regarding mobility. They leave me unable to predict when I will be up to working on anything. I can't ask someone to come over to help at any specific time, when I can't predict if I'll be up to doing anything when they get here. My mechanic friend who was the driving force convincing me to undertake this project also has health issues...we're used to working around each other's limitations.

    “Simplify, then add lightness,” -- Colin Chapman

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