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Thread: 1967 Kaiser Jeep Gladiator J2000

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    August Mariner's Avatar
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    1967 Kaiser Jeep Gladiator J2000


    Thought I would start a build log for the truck. (From what I've read on the web) It is a 1967 Kaiser Jeep Gladiator J2000. The engine is an AMC first generation 327 V8 Vigilante (250 HP with hydraulic lifters). AMC stopped producing the first generation AMC in 1966 but Kaiser put them in vehicles up until 1968 (some Kaiser Jeeps came with Buick 350's). Currently the engine turns over, I have broken the main shaft cam off the main shaft on the distributor (have one on the way), right rear wheel is locked, gas tank is eaten through. The distributor is a delco distributor. The 1967 Delco distributors in AMC cars was model number 1111106, but that is a second generation and this is no longer an AMC vehicle. Parts store and online shopping try to say it is my distributor and their replacement will work but I believe it is the year that is confusing the computer (I have to enter the vehicle as a 66 with an AMC 327). I do not know the model number of the stock distributor I cannot find it stamped on the body or bowl (Any one?).

    While I am waiting for a distributor, I have dropped the fuel tank and I am starting to remove the tires so I can sandblast the rusty wheels. I use to break the beads from tires using two 2x4s shaped in a T but decided to by the Harbor Freight manual tire changer. It has worked well but with the 2x4 I get more leverage (2x4's are longer). I will add some pipe.

    I need to build a wheel drum puller out of some tubing, pipe, and heavy plate. Hopefully I can yank it off, if not I will slice it and peal it off with the grinder. Perhaps the bearing is frozen...
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  2. #2
    Matt167's Avatar
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    Well, an AMC 327 distributors may have changed, but during those years they still used Delco distributors in the cars ( '64-'66 give or take ).. Rockauto lists A1 Cardone #301880 as being available and a little over $40. I just used '66 Ambassador.. The Delco distributor will make it run and take off the shelf points and cap. You could use a Chevy V8 Pertronix kit if you wanted, but same kit would have an AMC list as part fitting... Not sure if AMC ever used a Motocraft ignition in those engines. They used Motocraft distributors in the 6's for a couple years in California cars IIRC, but not sure about the V8's
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  3. #3
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Nice...I have always liked those Jeeps !

    I am doing a 63 Jeep cj right now, any info I stumble upon looking for stuff for mine I will pass along......
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  4. #4
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    I contacted Cardone (back and forth emailings) about a distributor they (and they AMC forum members) said they do not have one for a first generation AMC 327. I would have to send mine to them through an auto parts store. If you ever want to send a distributor through Cardones list of parts stores good luck. none of the stores in my town have ever done it. O'Reillys was the only store that worked with me (I buy them Starbucks gift cards around the Holidays). I will look into Cardone #301880. The number I kept coming up with was #301882 which I believe is for a second generation AMC V8.

    Thanks for the support, guys.
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

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  5. #5
    34_40's Avatar
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    That surprises me August. I've sent water pumps, master cylinders, even a wiper motor to Cardone for overhaul through my local supplier.

    No matter, seems you've got it sorted out.... can't you order the one that keeps comng up and at least look at it? Then return it if wrong?

    Even if there is a restock fee of a couple bucks, it may be worth it?!?!?!

  6. #6
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    I am returning my second one on Monday. I have contact Cardone to see if Cardone #301880 might work, for future reference. I currently have a NOS being shipped (I hope) from someone at an AMC forum ($100) and I have two more possible lined up just in case. I will put the Pertronix kit on the one I get.

    My son and I just finished sandblasting one of the rims (medium aluminum grit @ 90 psi). His first time with a sandblaster. The first time I have used the HF sandblaster. He and I put it together yesterday morning (between dodging wasps. They are bad here this year. I put up two fake hives and it seams to be helping. Going to the store for more spray.).

    Shawn are there pics of your Jeep on the Jeep forum?

    Thanks for the support!
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

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  7. #7
    34_40's Avatar
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    Good to hear you're making progress!

    WASPS? Fake Hives?? what's up with that?

  8. #8
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Cool truck! That's will be a unique ride, not many of those running around.
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  9. #9
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    We have lots of wasps this summer. The neighbors are all standing out side with their cans of spray. The fake hives are supposed to make them think the territory is heavily occupied and unless they want trouble thy need to move on. Number of people give them 5 star rating.

    Man it is a hot one, 91 (51% humidity - the 1% is important). I decided I would build some planter boxes out of an old red wood swing set with my son. Quickly became over heated and built only one. After, we came in side and finished off a water melon. Nothing better on a hot day than ice cold water melon and my wife's secret ice tea recipe.

    Back to the truck, I placed the wheel in a trash can filled with apple cider vinegar, after sandblasting it. It will be interesting to see how much cleaner it becomes.

    Thanks Falconvan, Your car sure turned out nice...
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  10. #10
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    I just got an email from the Cardone representative, #301880 will not work. If you ever need to do business with them they have been quick to respond to all of my emails and answer all of my questions.
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  11. #11
    rspears's Avatar
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    Rather than tell you which ones won't work, can the tech be pro-active and tell you what will work?
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  12. #12
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    From what I have been reading and the support from other forums there is nothing. You must get yours rebuilt or find a NOS for a first generation AMC V8 (ending 1966 but in trucks up to 68). Most sales reps seem to put in the year make and model into a computer. When 1967 is entered in the computer the computer thinks it's a second generation and they offer me the distributors as listed. I won my bid last night on Ebay and have one coming ($20 bucks, includes shipping). I also ordered a NOS from a AMC forum user ($100). If that doesn't work someone on this forum has offered me one for shipping cost only. I have been posting as much of the history just in case someone reads through here and is in the same pickle. But in short: the ones they tell me will work, will not, the main shaft will not mate with my oil pump.
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

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  13. #13
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    Not that I am still looking but I have an update for anyone who might be in need.
    Philbin Distributors for AMC 8 -cylinder 327 - This distributor supposedly is a match! But they are out of stock and you must send your old one in to have it rebuilt.
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  14. #14
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    Talking Da Parts Da Parts


    Distributor, and new fuel tank (Omix-Ada 17722.15 Fuel Tank) arrived yesterday. Finding the fuel tank was the opposite of the distributor. I kept getting: does not fit your Gladiator. The one that was not suppose to fit, did and that is why I posted the number. I got on Amazon and kept browsing until I saw one that looked like a match. After pulling it out of the box and taking a few quick comparison measurements it looks as if it is an exact match (Although this one is plastic).

    At this point I am estimating the truck to cost $5K when I am done. When I bicycled every thing was about $100. Jeep parts about $1000. Paint (primer hardeners etc) about $1000. Disk brake conversion about $1000. A/C about $1000. Underwear at the K-mart about $1000.
    bluestang67 and 34_40 like this.
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  15. #15
    August Mariner's Avatar
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    Woke up a little before 5am and instantly all the parts that arrived were asking me to come join them in the garage. Parenthetically the dehumidifier said it was about 80% humidity. I have the dehumidifier running as much as possible. It will generally stay below 50% in there. If not within about 5 years the steel tool tops will start to show rust.
    I installed the Pertronix EI on the distributor (AMC 327 Pertronix conversion w/ pics - International Full Size Jeep Association) <- Someone else's post with pics. I put the distributor back into the engine. I stopped to get donuts and jalapeno kolaches for the family, filled up swimming pull for my daughter and then...
    My 12 year old daughter had taken photos of the distributor as it was removed from the truck and disassembled, but they were deleted.
    Sooo my son and I found top dead center on the #1 cyclinder to insure the distributor was in correctly while watching my 3 year old do tricks in the pool. The distributor was off. The rotor was at about 1 o'clock and needed to be at 5 o'clock. Re-installed (3 eyes on child). Hooked up inline spark detector. It lit!
    Sprayed ether into carb and it fire, for about a millisecond.
    The number one plug looked nasty. I will replace all the plugs tonight during my usual 2 hour insomnia period. Later I will run a temporary fuel line into a portable fuel tank and see if we can't get it to idle.
    Going to play with Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head with daughter
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

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