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Thread: Engine Swap

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  1. #1
    joker51's Avatar
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    Question Engine Swap


    Ok I am looking at getting a 75 ford granada with a 302 auto in it. I am wanting to swap it with my POS V6 and AOED tranny in my 90 thunderbird. What problems will I run into? And what should I expect to have to change on the TBird for the swap? I am sick of the crap that is in the TBird right now and don't want to spend 2000+ on fixing it, So I figure I will swap out the engine and tranny to something I can work on myself.

    1949 Plymouth Club Coupe Still in pieces.
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  2. #2
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    Joker, The 302 will bolt in using 89 Tbird 302 mounts. The C-4 will fit but I believe you'll have to length the drive shaft (Imay be wrong there, don't know) The big problems will be wiring past the computer (by passing it), changing the pulleys on the alternator and ac compressor to go with the Granada's v-belt drive.,exhaust, etc. But it can be done.
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

  3. #3
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    Streets, you forgot the sawzall. Got have that for those things hanging in the way, like brake lines, etc.

    Well it's 12.20 here. Think I'll go to bed.
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

  4. #4
    joker51's Avatar
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    Well I plan on tearing out everything under the hood and putting all from the granada to avoid some problems. And I want to get rid of the computer anyways thats one of the problems the TBird has.
    The question is also how much can I rip out of the tbird before I tore out too much? Engine parts, computer and all that.
    1949 Plymouth Club Coupe Still in pieces.
    1979 International Scout Travler with SOA, 345 Engine and 727 AT

  5. #5
    Mike P's Avatar
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    As with most swaps even the "bolt-in" ones this will be slightly more complicated than you figure. besides the items mentioned I believe you will also need the following:

    As I recall the newer T Birds used a dual sump oil pan and pickup where the Granada had the earlier style front sump pan.

    There is a possibility that the 302 will be heavy enough to require heavier front springs.

    The 6 cyl radiator will likely be too small to cool the engine and will require to be upgraded (nothing worse than having a car that you can't drive because it overheats).

    If your going to run a carburetor, the tank mounted fuel pump will have to be removed and a new pickup fabricated to replace it.

    To do it right, you'll probably have to rewire under the hood from scratch (you'll need wiring diagrams for both the T Bird and Granada).

    If you elect to change balancers on the 302, keep in mind that the 302 up to 80 or so were externally balanced at 28 oz and the 80 and up were at 50 oz and should not be interchanged.

    This should not really be a hard swap, but as with all swaps doing it correctly and paying attention to detail is what will determine if the car is fun to drive or turns into driveway art.

  6. #6
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    MIKE P
    Doh! , How could I forget the oil pan and pickup. I also knew about the fuel pump but figured Joker51 sould already realize that. OLTIMERZ is setting in.
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

  7. #7
    joker51's Avatar
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    I knew the fuel pump would have to be replaced just didn't know about oil pan and the rest. I think I will put this one on hold for a while. Need to finish the plymouth first
    1949 Plymouth Club Coupe Still in pieces.
    1979 International Scout Travler with SOA, 345 Engine and 727 AT

  8. #8
    junkyardjeff's Avatar
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    How about just driving the granada and scrapping the t bird

  9. #9
    joker51's Avatar
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    Granada is a 4 door,
    Actually I am gonna drive the granada this winter then next spring get a new car then do the swap I think.
    1949 Plymouth Club Coupe Still in pieces.
    1979 International Scout Travler with SOA, 345 Engine and 727 AT

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