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Thread: 429 police interceptor

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  1. #1
    pschmidt08 is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    429 police interceptor


    hey, i'm looking to do my first engine rebuild/car restoration, and i can get a 69/70 429 P.I. with a c6, supposedly lol, from my girlfriends dad. I was wondering how to tell if it really is a P.I. and what makes them different from normal 429s. I'm also hoping to put it into a 66/67 Fairlane, and would like to know what problems i should expect to have... any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks

  2. #2
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    On the motor, between the valve cover and the exhaust manifold, about halfway back, is a cylinder head casting number. Use a wire brush to clean up the number so you can read it. Post the number on this thread.

  3. #3
    hotrodstude is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i have several p.i. heads for the 429/460 but they are off of 73-74 engines. they have cobra jet valves in a std.heads.i have a set on my 69 ford which i polished the chambers and ported and polished the exhaust ports. left the intakes the same.runs great.in 69 i'm not sure that they would be any different then regular heads. when i did the machine work on these heads i had to replace a couple valves. the parts book only had 1972-1974 llisting for the valves except for 1969-1971 cobra jet which were the same part number, except harden......

  4. #4
    Paul Kane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pschmidt08 View Post
    hey, i'm looking to do my first engine rebuild/car restoration, and i can get a 69/70 429 P.I. with a c6, supposedly lol, from my girlfriends dad. I was wondering how to tell if it really is a P.I. and what makes them different from normal 429s. I'm also hoping to put it into a 66/67 Fairlane, and would like to know what problems i should expect to have... any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks
    In 1969-1970, the Ford 429 Police Interceptor engine did not exist.

    In 1969 & 1970, the Ford 428 FE engine (a completely different engine with zero parts interchangability with the 429) was the PI engine. The 429 PI came out in 1971 and used parts unto itself starting in the 1972 model year.

    Find out whether your girlfriend's dad is foggy on the year of the engine or the Ford engine family with which it is associated. Also, get the casting number of the cylinder heads. This number is located on the OUTSIDE of the head, along the valve cover mounting rail and near the top of the exhaust ports.

    The 429/460 Engine fits into the 1966-1967 Fairlane with the help of aftermarket install kits that include headers, engine mounts and I think a special oil pan. A tight fit, but still servicable.


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  5. #5
    Nijil is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to disagree on the fact you mentioned the 429 PI did not exist in 69/70. I have one that came out of a 1969 Mercury Marquis.
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  6. #6
    34_40's Avatar
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    You've replied to a post that hasn't had any activity in some 5 years .. I'm sure they've resolved the discussion by now!
    NTFDAY and glennsexton like this.

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