Just recently picked up an ole flat head and before i can tear it down it's gunna take some mystery oil to free it up and probably a bit more. but while the cylinders soak up a bit heres some information on it. The pistons all have 3.060 cast into them and not sure if theyre stock or an over bore since some web sites have much lager pistons theyre selling saying their stock? about half of the valves have been changed over to stainless, valve measures 1.508. The bads are the motor got put off to the side for many years and shes a bit froze up.

from the water jackets on the block it id's as a 1946-1948 239CID 100HP motor, but the casting numbers into the bell housing don't seem to match up with anything I've been able to find. the top number looks to be 0564 or possibly C564 its hard to tell on the 0 just cause of flashing, the large number underneath that is 59.

So far there appears to be no cracks in the block in the usual spots but will need to get it unlocked to get a much better inspection prior to sending it out to get hot tanked and probably the buddies machine shop to clean up the deck a bit even though it looks like it was machined before i wont know for certain until i can get the pistons out and measure it. after all said n done then i'll finally get to rebuild it.

Any help or advice from someone with some flat head experience would be great. i do have some resources up here when it comes to flat head tech but it's sometimes hard to get ahold of em and would like to start writing down any information i can get in the mean time. I'll get some pics up soon of what im starting with.
