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Thread: freeing a seized tractor motor

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  1. #16
    randywrench's Avatar
    randywrench is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    use your favorite penetrant in the cylinders.
    drain the cooling system.
    fill coolant system with boiling water.
    rock the tractor back and forth till loose.
    repeat if needed.
    this has worked for me, use a propane cooker for deep frying turkeys!
    It heats up about 3 gallons of water.
    TEAMWORK is essential, it allows you to blame someone else!

  2. #17
    stimpy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    fill the cylinder up with transfluid or marvel and then put an air chuck ( the type for holding valves for seal changes) and give it a shot of air ( loosen up the adjustment on the rockers to close the valves . the air will force the oil into the rings and help loosen it up and might posibly pop the motor over .

  3. #18
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the tips guys
    It has a mix of diesel and crankcase oil in the cylinders
    it's been soaking for a while and I'm going to let it sit for a month or so

    our local welder has his eye on it
    we will see what kind of trade he comes up with

    I like the air pressure idea

  4. #19
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Water pressure is safer. When something moves a bit under air pressure, it'll go flying . Water pressure moves stuff slowly, no projectiles.

  5. #20
    freewheelX1 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Just to add my two-pennyworth, Tow'd,
    the guys who pressure-form sheet-metal for small-scale production strongly advise you use liquid pressure, normally water, for the reasons R Pope has stated. Water does not compress under pressure, so movement is incremental, whereas air does, and can store massive amounts of energy, then when something gives - it can release it in one go; think of an air-rifle.
    These guys use liquid to hand-form 'bike fuel tanks, two-stroke exhausts, etc.; it's more controllable.
    ps, I've had success in the past with diesel and kerosene mix. You sure ain't spoiled for choice

  6. #21
    viking's Avatar
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    Make a grease zerk adapter for your spark plug/injector hole and grab your handy grease gun, 3000psi is easy with a hand grease gun, most air powered ones will hit 5000psi, this has worked for me all three times I've done it.
    Last edited by viking; 10-06-2006 at 08:04 PM.
    Objects in the mirror are losing

  7. #22
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    wow thanks for all the methods to free up the old tractor motor
    lets see we have
    WD-40 and penetrating oils
    block of wood and a BFH
    brake fluid
    Marvel Mystery oil
    water pressure with a pressure washer
    Boiling water
    air pressure and

    lots of methods to free that motor
    maybe we will try all of them at once
    something will give

    you guys are great

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